it was the other way around it was the known m4a1 hull with a m3 lee turret
Technically not iirc. But there was a wooden mockup of it. And another wooden mockup with like 3 37mm in the same turret or something like that.
okay, thought I would ask
The first sherman (t6 pilot) was a lee hull with everything above the running gear cut off and replaced.
So your saying It takes 2 fighters jets made with the collective expertise of a good chunk of western Europe to match 1 American fighter
the 3*37 your thinking of was a full prototype for an spaa
looks like it was a 37-40mm and 2 .50
That fine all i want is ask and as many thing in game now that only in trials but stil get in to game. :v
That excel look terrible. Literally same mistake Wows did. Papper ship montana vs Yamato… While Super Yamato as paper as montana Its forgotten.
hope for T-84T and VT-4 soon lol
or you know, the J-10As bomb count which got approved in DoD
or the AGMs for the J-10A that got approved in DoD
Montanna was begun actually it just didn’t get very far
“T6 hull, as stripped down, from Medium M3.”
Would become the first Sherman.
If we’re talking somewhat ridiculous designs i have to mention this, its a Wellington with a 40mm turret
Idk every vehicle in warthunder. If i did id probably be foaming at the mouth. Theres way too many bug reports to know every single one… and it just gets longer with every patch
Eh, the Japanese bought the Tiger. Imo that isn’t really what I would call a trial. Hell, even the M47 and M36 in-game were purchased.
Trialed? Yes. But also purchased.
The other vehicles you mentioned were tested, but not purchased at all by the Swedish.
You may not mind, but your initial post’s wording put both nations in the same boat. That’s all. We’re going in circles anyways, so let’s end it at that.
thats already a suggestion im pretty sure
buddy the first ever RCH155 was realy just delivered to ukraine, by the point its added germany gonna have them themself either way, as of right now UK RCH155 exist as much as the german one
Germany could get it either way on the basis of an export, its not one designed for UK like the KF41 was for hungary, totaly different situations
I think it’s more that, 8 AMRAAMs plus a full A2G loadout was never really considered an important benchmark.
The Typhoon can do 4 AMRAAM/Meteor plus 2 ASRAAM/IRIS T, and carry a full A2G loadout, and it does it while remaining much more agile than the F-15EX does
6 missiles + ~12,000lbs of strike capability was, I think, considered plenty
and the best in class for like 15 years
someone say italian A-10?