Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Japanese F-14 when ? Since it what that vs the F-15

Meanwhile Ukrainians refusing Australian F/A-18s

Forgot that the US was a late adopter.

and yeah, as a strike aircraft the Eurofighter was worse than the F-15E, but as a true multirole I’d say it was better.

Like the F-15E is looking at something like 4 missiles plus 14000lbs of guided munitions, if we’re saying 7 2000lbs JDAMs.

vs the Typhoon with 6 missiles and 6 2000lbs JDAMs

The Typhoon is still second only to the Advanced Eagle too, so we’re doing alright, the Adv Eagle is just mad

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Cause they operationally bought and received both? JP and TH never got the f/a18

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They did



If we want to raise the bar further:




Daddy stop it > : (

ayo what the hell???


is F-4E good?
im grinding for it rn
it is good C*S/Air fighter?

It’s pretty good I’d say.
Not the best, but still good

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Tbh, the only F-4 I really used was the Kurnass 2000, so I couldn’t tell for the normal F-4E. And even then, I have low amount of matches in it

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The A-10 doesn’t have a place in a modern major war. Congress instead considering it’s sale to Egypt for COIN operations. Also the Ukrainians never wanted the A-10.

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the E has agm-65 right
so i can CAS
can i equip Aim 9s while having the 65?

its alright as long as you dont get into a turn fight

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yea aim 9e/j’s

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You’ll have to check the wiki for that

You also have to consider F-15E 5 cruise missile + 4 amraam loadout. Or 28 GBU-53 + 4 amraam loadout

But yeah, strike eagle is more strike focused (I wonder why) and eft is more jack of all trades

Once again swiss is not a sub tree yet.
The boxer variant is a general export one.
Swiss one is specialised.
Germany is more likely to get the boxer variant as their export

it does have 65 but i just dont know if it can equip both 9s and 65s
bombay said yeah so ig it can

ummm they did get the boxer

You can