Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Im more interested in thai ground actually

While they are literally the same chassis the M4 is not an M3 and the M4 didn’t have an 37mm.

Will there be a similar policy in the future for similar equipment?

f15 is NOT a brick

F-15 is such a brick, like the whole design is just a rectangle with bits sticking out

question, I assume you cant answer this, but with the RCH-155 how would that work when it goes to trees, as of right now the only nation in game that has adopted or well in the process of is the UK, while Germany is still considering it

would this be another KF41 situation or would it be more unique if Germany were to get the swiss one for now that instead of it being on the Boxer its on the Piranha IV chassis

Fair enough. I also feel that, given the sheer number of navy aircraft and carriers the US has available, having a lot of mid/good enough aircraft is probably better than having a significantly smaller number of excellent/among the best of the best aircraft.

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Well i don’t particularly care, i just get stuck seeing people cry about Bedish Swias, hes the one bringing up bias about it and why they get trial vehicles over other nations.

Whatever you say goes for this, the choice was made long ago.

a sexy rectangle…

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My stants was if there was no biases then how come nations either get’s exclusive treatment i.e Sweden in this case and other nations get missed out i.e Italy.

If nations was treated equally then Germany would get their trialed stuff and Italy would have a few Squaddies to play with by now.

That’s all I was pointing out


gotta admit they both had a 75mm

Yeah but not a 37.

I did the research for the original m4 prototype suggestion on the old forum. The first m4 was literally an m3 with a new superstructure.

(I should redo that suggestion before the old forums get yoinked)

It is very aerodynamical

Also, what other fighter can carry 8 amraam with a full 20,000+ lb a2g payload?

That would be correct. If its not about a vehicle announced, there is nothing to add at the moment in time.


That doesn’t change the “M4” never having a 37.

yeah… wait… oh my god its prototype did

Speaking of ridiculous payloads, can i haz b1?

Two Typhoons strapped together?

Any chance the R13M1 will be added to the J35XS with the next update since it was passed for consideration over a year ago?

Or the armor holes on the MK.IV with the new update?

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