that was earlier concept for 1 recce vehicle to be small,
nowadays you have a light recce vehicle (based on SUV-like platforms), and larger one with myriad of sensor suites/jammers + defensive armaments
I just don’t see what the actual benefit is. If i wanted RAF and British made jets, I’d play Britain. If I wanted MiG and Sukhois and Soviet/Russian air force stuff, I’d play USSR.
But a Saudi EFT to US or some Su-30 doesn’t fit or make sense at all, same with super hornet in UK tree.
We haven’t said anywhere there will or won’t be new missiles of any kind this major. However until we make an announcement, there is nothing particularly to comment on. Stay tuned.
Don’t look at humvee 30mm + javelin turret then lol
Well the Super Hornet in the British tree is more about people who want to play RAAF vehicles.
Besides, my original point is that we got the F-111C because we considered buying some F-111s, we did the same with the Super Hornet in 2010, so by the same logic we could get the RAAF one.
Also the UK already has US naval jets in the F-4, so the Super Hornet does “fit”
Also just saying but even the commander remote MG turret is fitted with last gen reco stuff, so higher position give better view of the battlefield and stuff to report to other units.
It’s not just an MG.
So France got the DF105 and Germany got the French car.
@Smin1080p_WT And this isn’t so called special treat meant for Germany ?
We’ve been asking for a model of the Fokker D.21 since June last year and yet nothing, just goes to show how scared gaijin is by the German mains.
But you guys did buy the 111K, the program just fell apart no? While it never even started for the super hornets
No, we got the F-111C because Gaijin were being big meanies denying the possibility of adding the F-111K
Noooooooo, you cant ask for the Fokker, it would make Finnish air entirely C&P nooooooo /s
Idc at this point lol
I honestly don’t care about your childish tricks, I want justice for the missing Fokker D.21 now
Enough is enough !
This update is full of French-German “join” stuff (the AMD, Clovis, Heli tiger, DF105…), perhaps the name of the update would be along that xD
Im pretty sure at some point he said no
That’s the only one you used, and that’s the only one you should get
He said no to any new IR missiles to top tier soon I think. I haven’t seen anything for R-77-1 denial.
I guess “stay tuned” for asking about the rapier 2025 tease and if it will be a plain “early” tracked rapier aimed at Iran/bought in the first days with only a Hit-ile or if it would be a later model with a proxy round too?
Or gib 2 rapiers, 2 rapiers is good xD
Does that mean Germany can get Super Hornets, given we signed a contract and decided to cancel it in favour of the F-35 later :P
This is a joke (or is it?)
There is also nothing domestic to fill the gap between the Sea Harrier and F-35, so it’s not like it would prevent any other vehicles coming to the game, just the MiG-29K or Rafale M if India buys them, which “fit” Britain less, though those would be the alternatives if we don’t get a Hornet
I’m more interested about the Badger and if we’ll get the Badger ATGM as well