dont forget aim 54 its not a tomcat without em
What, you don’t like armed hostel on sea ?! :p
Things is we test… we test out of the box, sometimes it don’t end well, sometimes we made stuff that everybody else use after.
And every country can be found to have worked on “uncommon” looking prototype x)
I don’t really care, do it if you want to
AMX-10RC had a full blown 105mm cannon for a recce vehicle and you’re concerned with a puny mg turret
Hey, I love that bomber
BTR-60 as a silly 1.0 spaa/LT
Ah yes. “French Archer”.
That is either arty, or it’s gun folds.
Sure can, but I have a feeling they don’t feel like doing it.
I’m not concerned about the firepower, I am concerned about the fact that they put a needlessly tall remote MG turret on a vehicle that you ideally would want to be as small as possible
So there needs to be no reason to add EFT, Rafale, Su-30 and J-20 to US other than ppl wanting it?
Metal pipe with wings
As i said we live in an era where because a vehicle is smaller means almost nothing for today reco tech.
Kinda looks like a giant balloon animal
Oh yeah, I can see that
metal pipe with welded triangle flat top metal sheet mended with high rpm fans
There’s no reason the Saudi EF couldn’t be considered, same with most of those vehicles, just not the J-20 as there isn’t another user for it