Did any German super hornets begin production? I’ve heard about this deal but not sure how far it went
give us the EMBT for the cherry on top, would be a great main topic vehicle
They had at least one Hornet for trials lol
Not all “gaps” have to be filled.
Should we have justice for the Dutch D.21 and add it to the game ?
- Yes
- No
Specifically for Germany, or a Boeing demonstrator jet
AFAIK no, tho plans for a production plant were underway. No idea if Boeing started construction in their own plants and diverted them or not
So tempting to say no justice for anything xD
Pretty sure it was just a demonstrator, but I am not well versed in that trials history
I hate the idea of giving demonstrators. F16aj needs to go.
No need to worry about the very modern era of our ground trees, in any case the possibilities are there, with joint projects (differents EMBTs) and even specificities for the 2 nations (KF51 / Leclerc Evolution) to differentiate them at the very end.
Unless, of course, Gaijin does its Gaijin and gives the EMBT to Germany only…
well, and the F-35, unless you want to consider that US/UK?
Can some advanced French mains explain why they want the DF105, other than BR? I do play France, but I’m only up to the Char 25T.
I welcome the CLOVIS, but I feel very lukewarm about what it essentially a SK105 minus the APFSDS…
When they can be with subtree vehicles, yes
If no aircraft plant or Germany specific airframes were made, and the jet in the trials was a Boeing demonstrator, then there isn’t really a reason to add it to Germany
Why this again…
Australia and Canada are not subtrees of Britain
Well you got the Marine’s version, not the Navy one
Bedish Swias, explain the T80 U and the AHS and Mi-28
It’s more for the principle.
Why did Gaijin needed for years to make Germany the only one to use the only ingame French made 105mm oscillating turret ?
Both should have join the game together in both TTs.
Also at that time the DF105 joined a fully capable German lineup when the French one was in a bad shape.
It’s also for the principle that oscillating turrets make the “charms” of a part of the French tree. And since the French tree is already less played out, it doesn’t need what makes it original to end up feeding big trees like Germany, which has no player worries.
Then Gaijin promised to France similar stuff(since we also used OUR turret on other vehicle here), but nothing was done for years.
And i guess they finally didn’t wanted to work on thoses domestic variant and just goes copy pasta years later despite low effort work on that.
And something tell me it’s because German didnt liked the idea than the next coming AMD35 with german gun would only come for France, so they made it for both, then added the DF105 for not making French player riot again. That’s my 2cent on the case.