Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

why only 1 plane when you can play 10

Previous dev blog said that was it for the day, so I doubt that.

^Should come before the Jaguar
but Gaijin being Gajin will do exactly the opposite.
Added Puma before Marder 2,
will also add Ajax before Warrior CSP.


Oh well

That’s HELLA Sexy!

we’ll just have to agree to disagree on that

Tomorrow is the big day tho, most likely :D

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Jesus what is it with these vehicles having so much stuff on their roofs

Has it been Americanised “how many weapons can we put on the thing lol”

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krydser fingre

Yeah, it can, though at a few BRs, like say 9.3 with the Buc S2 or 10.0 with the Jaguar Gr1. I wouldnt bother with any of the fighter options and just run a single vehicle.

I have fighters as back-up for BRs like 11.7 with the Gr1 (but I dont really like playing the FGR2) or I have the F3 with the GR4 at 12.7 (but it struggles in the uptier)

Typically, if im in the mood for a mud mover. I play the mud mover, regardless of the opposition. If anything that makes it more fun by making it more challenging.

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Air Arcade is weird.

I keep, thinking it’s like GAB with only 3 spawns but instead it as long as you have planes(and a backup for each, you can spawn again)

You still might want to pick another fighter for the current situation because it might have better radar/missiles/etc, while lacking in other areas you deem aren’t that important for the current matchm

Having more options is better.

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u can spawn like 10 times

You can spawn 20 times with backups

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ok now add some more

my man, reconnaissance is important

u would lose like 100k on repair cost

Screw it, winning is more important lol

10% of french equipment: the most beautiful thing youve ever seen…

Rafale, Mirage, Dunkirk, S35

90% of french equipment: a visual crime against humanity…

D.500, ms406, amiot 140, G1, R35, every ship they ever built before Dunkirk