you cant spawn that many times the SP cost will cap out at like 8 probably IDK it increases exponentially based on how many times you have respawned
idc about win if i make profit
Air arcade has no spawn cost
oh yea thats a different story
The Sk-105A1 used a French FL12 turret which was at best licensed produced with very minor modification.
Sk-105A2 upgraded some of the electronics of the French turret, and installed a new gun provided again by the French.
Sk-105A2 has more to do with France than Germany unless the Germans still think the Anschluss belongs to them.
you can spawn infinitely in arcade as long as you have infinite crew slots
10 crews slot max out with 10 backups are max tho
Yeah, but the Sk-105 in the German tree is Argentinian and even though Argentina is not officially a subtree, all their stuff went to Germany so far
Snail add more spaa to nations lacking 5.x spaa and i will be pleased greatly (somewhat, maybe lol)
Any chance for a Class 3 in South African sub tree? (I was asked to ask this)
No. Another czech aa for russia.
When Concept 1?
We all wish but you know its an event vehicle so they’ll say no…
when jeep?
When we get Concept 0
when Concept -1
That’s exactly what happened to me, + 1 molar
German one gets the cross in front of the name, and viola. Not like there is for example British event Grant and US GE one…
Soon TM