Can you add a none? lol
I mean, they’re adding the SM to Russia, probably not going to leave CN behind by much.
I do find it interesting that they’re delaying the J-10B once again though. Something about the J-10B scares Gaijin lol.
All done
Doesn’t matter if it’s real, you can expect a 10 minute video from TEC or Mat later today lol
For Gaijin, the J11B requires no significant workload. The aircraft model and aerodynamic model do not need major alterations. The PL12 missile is already in game, and the PL8B is just the existing PL8 with IRCCM added. The radar is likely to be a re-skin of an existing radar in the game.
Like with the US and Israeli F-15E, they probably don’t want China to have the best version of the Flanker, and with Chinese missiles, I think the J-11B will be better than the SU-30SM, especially if it has the WS-10A engines that it should get.
J-10B is a weird one, there weren’t that many of them so they may not add it at all and just skip to the C, but also the J-10A is still pretty good, at least compared to the J-11A so maybe the Flanker is just the priority, and they don’t want to do both in one update
i think they will keep the C variant until they want release pl15 and pl10 in to the game.
It somewhat is, in the same way as an F-18 is an F-5.
It’s like an F-16C Block 40, except it has a larger fuselage, larger and trapezoidal wing, larger elevators, wider and more pronounced LEX, a larger radome to fit the Japanese J/APG-1/2 AESA radar, a higher sitting three piece cockpit, F110-IHI-129 engine and enlarged version of the NSI intake, makes heavy use of lighter and more durable composite materials with radar absorbent properties, adds an additional armament station to each wing, adds a drogue chute as well as two additional countermeasure dispensers to the vertical tail, is compatible with Japanese domestic missiles such as the AAM-3, AAM-4/4B, AAM-5/5B, ASM-2/2B, ASM-3/3A and GCS-1/2, uses domestic FCS system integrating decoupled yaw control and maneuver enhancement modes in addition to a maneuver load control mode similar to the F-16, a new cockpit and larger HUD and largely Japanese electronics, as well as the best service livery of any modern fighter jet.
But apart from that there’s still a little under 5% commonality with the F-16 and it does resemble one when you don’t have a reference at hand
I agree. It is said that the JASDF requested that the F-2 be able to carry four AAM-4s.
However, there are also photos in the past showing them mounted on the outermost tips of the wings.
This one is carrying an AIM-7, but it seems that the AIM-7 and AAM-4 share the same interface.
This means that in addition to the stations generally known to be AAM-4 capable, there may have been two more stations capable of carrying the AAM-4.
PS: ASM-2 x 4 + AIM-7 x 2 loadout was later removed from service as it was believed to cause flutter.
I see, I guess it deserves better maneuverability and more diverse payload options.
but on the topic
there are already vehicles in places that they shouldnt be where they are.
for example the SK105 in the german tech tree. Besides the fact, that stuff like TAM (which uses marder hull) is in the german tech tree, there is literally NO REASON for the argentinian sk105 to be in the german tt, sk 105 uses french tech and austrian hull, So even if it doesnt make sense, gaijin will still think of a reason to add something to a tech tree without strong reasoning.
Well there’s no such thing as “instead of”.
I’d do heinous acts for this as a marketplace skin
There is priorities. Some things should be worked on sooner than others, and F-2 is something that should come before a Hornet from a nation that isn’t even a confirmed subtree yet.
I wouldn’t mind seeing it personally, Malaysia in general would be nice, but F-2 should be added first
Isn’t the Israeli F-15 better?
Sure, it’s very slightly heavier, but that is like 1% difference compared to it having 50% more countermeasures
I think with J-10B they might have ran into trouble while modeling it, since information is so scarce.
After all, it was a transitional model that was quickly replaced in production by J-10C, which is an outright upgrade.
The Hornet shouldn’t be delayed just because F-2 isn’t ready though.
That is assuming both are intended.
So no, F-2 shouldn’t come first if it means it physically cannot be played while another intended aircraft is ready. That’d be anti-consumer practice.
And as I said, that’s assuming both are intended.
US had Mavericks, and when Israel got those the US one got the AGM-130
so the Israeli one in slightly better in air but the US one is probably slightly better for ground, for a strike jet it’s hard to say one is definitely better than the other
The Chinese Flanker should be significantly better for air battles, which is probably why the J-11A didn’t receive any PL-12s or PL-8Bs, and given that these are both intended to be air superiority aircraft, I think it’ll be a bigger issue for the Russian player base
Its airframe is basicly as same as j10C, they are differ in radar, loadout and engines.
J-10C shares the airframe with J-10B yes, though J-10C has new ECM, new radar, PL-10 + PL-15 capability and WS-10B in later production batch.
Also J-10C has improved CAS ability.