Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Lighting III sorry, but if the sniper gets added the III will be added soon.

Also the range shouldn’t be that big of a engine limitation, I understand with older consoles but the new gen ones will handle it just fine.

Some planes already have Litening III and the resolution is 1200x800 currently, not sure what they had IRL as I can’t find any data on that

It was on a (real) leak list two years ago, when the F-16AJ was mistaken for an F-2

nothing to do with the hardware, it’s the software that is the issue

Gaijin probably didn’t consider 20km+ range weapons when building the game, given that it was a WWII simulator


Ahhh ok

I’m at school so i’m away from my saved docs but here is the lightings easier accessible infographic*1bpdcqu*_gcl_au*MTQxNTM0MjkwMC4xNzQwNDk5MDIy*_ga*MzcxOTg2NTUyLjE3NDA0OTkwMjI.*_ga_7YV3CDX0R2*MTc0MDQ5OTAyMi4xLjEuMTc0MDQ5OTM4NC42MC4wLjA.

Well I guess Japan is still one of the worst CAS even with F-2. Sure wonder who is dead last huh?

I guess CN, JP, and SW will share this position, SW has JAS-39, 4 IR FNF, CN and JP, is going to have 4.

I guess glide bombs are that overpowered thats everything needed to make Chinese CAS “OP”. Well there isnt any fire and forgets other than glide bombs and two vastly inferior X-29Ts.

Which Litening pod is that tho

Btw any word on if we getting a new blog or was only the hopkins?

I would love to see a proper air sim map. Like a HUGE one. One you have to use air refueling. One that has thearter defense systems you have to dodge/take out. I want to be scrambled to defend a scud missile attack agasint a friendly base or airfield. I want there to be AWACs!

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Pretty sure they said that the Harry was all for today in the blog

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It’s II and III but it is also all I have RN

Another mistake is the following. In reality, such air defense systems as the 2S6 Tunguska or ADATS should never operate in close proximity to tanks. For example, the cost of 1 Tunguska in the 1980s was approximately 3 T-72 tanks (and maybe 3 T-80 tanks, which were extremely expensive for the USSR), which is very expensive for equipment that can be destroyed by any harmless equipment with a large-caliber machine gun, tank, etc. According to army instructions, Tunguskas should operate at least 2-3 km from the front line (places where tanks and other equipment are), if possible, in cover.

It is easy to guess that the same applies to ADATS and other SAM systems, their cost is simply colossal, this is hinted at by the complete lack of armor or armor with a thickness of paper (7-15 mm) In the game, the idiocy of the gameplay forces many to drive into tanks, after which they instantly die, becoming easy prey.

Although it is interesting to listen to the fools among the military commission who wanted to make ADATS fight tanks, at most its missiles could be for self-defense, this is hinted at by the lack of a tandem warhead. An encounter with a tank is a guaranteed death for the SAM.

I found other values for the range of 1.5 km from the front line according to the Soviet combat manual of the 1980s. But in my opinion, this is stupid, if the SAM is not hidden from the enemy, it will be instantly destroyed, a very expensive loss. The one who wrote the distance of 1.5 km never encountered a strong dangerous enemy, but participated only in sand games (combat exercises) and parades. I do not know what ranges are in NATO combat manuals, maybe the situation there is much better.

China should be well improved if they receive the SU-30MKK

I want it so large that you have to fly high to conserve fuel.

We need a SIM rework!!

no, it just has many KH-29, not IR FNF, so not a true top CAS.


RB EC can stay, but ykwim I want sim to feel more like sim. I want to be called to escort a B-17 formation with a P51. I want teams to be larger with the way bigger maps.

Most people play WT sim becuase they can’t afford something to play DCS on. Most of them will take a rework with very large smiles.