Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

We don’t even have regular Sniper pods in the game yet

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No i think its the F-2A as someone did expliticly say they didnt get HMD in practice

I actually remember someone who claimed to be a Mk.4 crew member, who was actually horrified that Merkava Mk.4 somehow did not have any KE improvements over Mk.3, hahahah.

Lol hehe

BOL would be 160 CMs per POD. MLU I think should have 120 internal not 60

I need the BOL back on the F15’s for infinity CM’s

They also gets LITENING III, as a part of the deal. Things I mentioned above is the kit they arrived in Taiwan with.

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I need BOL to modeled to IRL specs and therefore be worth taking and not just extra weight half the time

They enemy wondering why there is 95 different aircraft moving at the same speed of the F15 on there TWS. ::::))))

Ahh, right

What we need is chaff to be reworked.

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1 million times this

ah yes i remember that topic
the fact that merk 1 has the same armor as merk2 and 3 and merk 4 is = single 200mm piece of cast hom armor

I blame the Gripen rat meta for why they massacred my poor BOL pods.

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Yes, but BOL specifically, the amount of Chaff released is 1/4 what it should be from a BOL chaff packet

I find it very funny every time I listen to fairy tales from top CAS pilots about “just leave the respawn”. They accuse top SPAA (SAM) players of lacking brains, when the pilots are brainless and do not understand the problems in the characteristics of the (SAM) themselves, as well as the ground maps themselves. In our game, maps are the size of a football field, flat as a desktop. 85% (if not all 99%) of leaving the respawn will be instantly detected by enemy tanks and destroyed. We have absolutely unrealistic terrain with giant hills and differences that allow CAS (especially helicopters) to fly up to your respawn from behind and fire at it with ATGMs/Rockets or bomb from a pitch-up position, instantly hiding again behind the hills. Most game maps are complete garbage the size of a football field, game models of houses are designed for midgets/dwarfs and are smaller than tanks/FlakRakRad/Pansir 1C, etc.
In reality, radars are placed in such a way that they are not in the enemy’s kill zone but at the same time do not have dead zones for the radio beam, in the game hills, trees, ravines, houses, etc. are generously placed on the map, and often specifically near your respawn.


different nations also use different forms of chaff with different types of efficiency.

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Yeah, 100% was. Harrier Gr7 had as many for nearly a year and half. No issues. F-14B had as many, no issues.

US Mains got mad they were no longer META. Instant BOL nerf to nerf the gripen. Which just nerfed everything else with BOL to near uselessness

My favourite maps are the ones that are surrounded by natural cover for the planes and feature a lot of buildings and trees blocking the visibility for the SPAAs and SAMs