Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

they boutta put sep v4(early) as a premium

Seeing how little top tier ground stuff was added last year, it would honestly be fine.

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man is thirsting for mid

U.S. probably should get a new mbt but the spaa gaps are still a bigger issue imo.


I mean my 2000lb GBU and Gbu-39s where added to a lot of top tier ground matcha

Honestly. with just how bad the compression is. I just dont understand why anyone actually wants a new top tier MBT. Unless its 100% equal in performance to a leopard 2A7. Its gunna be DOA



Eh more plane bs, I don’t count that as ground stuff.

Also I have really yet to die to either of those.

Really, man then you’re very lucky. Once I get rid of those pesky pantsirs I kill the broken tanks next. Maybe you’re not playing a tank that is a high priory target?
Or you move playing SPAA making you smarter than 90 percent of players:

Compensation inbound - 1 day of premium incoming lol

It doesn’t need to be 100% equal!

When a nation only has 70% equals, even a 90% equal would be warmly welcome.

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Its Japanese, not British, Chinese or French.
A single line meant it could get access to HMD.

Anyone know why I can’t add spoilers make things bold or do anything besides reply?

inb4 an updated version of this



Ah, this brings out a different topic, which is that: most nations actually ALREADY HAVE Leopard 2A7 counterparts ingame… except their performance is far from it because of their poor modelling and implementation.

The Merkava Mk.4s and their armor being barely any more effective against KE than rubber-fabric is a prime example of this.


And the F-16A MLU is still missing its AMRAAMs, AIM-9Ms, GBU-24s, and SNIPER-XR plus 120 CM. Gaijin did make sure to handle the strait political relationships well - both side gets screwed equally.

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one IDF employee that play war thunder watch in horror as he see the Merk mk.4 ingame armor


Weren’t they talking about the Rafale F2 tho?

A lot of American and American exported fighters are missing their BOL pods.