I have this issue too, the only bug that bothers me, I really need this fixed, I made a whole post about it
while nice i dont think a low tier light tank is what the UK needs lol
Hmmmm…quirky looking. For me that means it isnt a modern vehicle. Early cold war and WW2 era had pretty quirky one
ye probably
Be glad they got something. They could have gotten a Japan treatment
Adams confirmed???
eh I wont play it either way as I dont enjoy seal clubbing new players
It’s beyond that it’s been going on for this long and that reports are just passed aside because “it’s been reported before”. If it was actually getting fixed or the reports were actually active with dev/bud mod comments then we wouldn’t need to be making more reports.
High/top tier can be also seal clubbing due to ammount of premiums. So ehhh
British LTs wise I just want the Saladin/Scorpion already
I need my silly 80mm pen hesh
Looks like they are putting out the low tier stuff first, next dev blog should be something modern
mainly pre PL-12, but PL-8B too considering it’s br.
J-10S is just double seated J-10A. J-10A early is a cut of J-10A’s development, so it do can’t have access to later weapons like LS-6 but still with pod guided bombs and TV version of C-701/704.
also AGM-65D like US ones if I’m correct.
MBTs are not the only modern vehicles to add however. In fact many of the other types added over the last year or so were more requested than MBTs in some cases.
they pay to get their, if they dont expect it then its their own fault
tip for f35 engineer
place big red button on cockpit wired to a meteor, datalink meteor with radar by giving it codes to resemble another f35 and there you have it meteor on f35
yeah I could go another year or 2 with out an MBT for the UK considering how many we already have lol
India must have another Russian SAM copy we could have at 10.3??
they have Tunguska but wouldnt be 10.3
Hopefully today too, this one was quite early so we should probably get a second today
This 100% for me too. Like it’s a funny and cute addition, don’t get me wrong, but I just can’t have fun in it knowing that I’m absolutely ruining the experience of many new players.
At least new players in top tier prems knew what they were signing up for, new players in low tier really don’t have an option to avoid the clubbers.