Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Personal take, it is more due to the order of devlogs, if they mixed ww2-modern-ww2-modern(for example) it would please more people.

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I want gajin turn add aircraft rank 2 ~ 4 WW2 and early cold war era after this next major update

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Was this your favorite addition for the update?


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Hmm I see. I will wait then.

That’s the point hahah

We only received 1 modern MBT in all of 2024, yet people still rage whenever they feel the presence of one because they consider it to be “spam” and that “Gaijin forgor about WW2”…

But that’s factually not true, indeed it’s rather the opposite xD

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Mirage IV go woooosh


Next to a Mirage III:


Is your favorite vehicle of this update the Rapier SPAA?

Given how early this was, it wouldn’t be an unreasonable assumption

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i dont get the rage bait

WT’s been having enough high tier modern attentions for a while.
Its time for some ww2, early cold war revisits. Many vehicles/platforms still left out.


You needn’t. The first sentence of mine wasn’t even bait tbh

Honestly that’s cool to have some low tier/WW2 stuff in the TT for change.


What is going on with the Israeli AA spam lately


I belive its the su30sm cuz i think hes russian but im not sure


whacky low tiers/mid tiers are best. Unless they decided to add them almost to every TT (looking at you M44) Top tier stuffs is mostly same things with little bit differences. And that can get quite boring after long time.

Smin is Russian spy confirmed

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I dont think he’s Russian, and he said his vehicle is quirky looking