Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Thats what the J-11A did actually. Belarus engineers tricked the radar into thinking it is guiding a R-27R/ER, but instead fires an R-77(RVV-AE).

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yeah, its why I dont care about people who by top tier premiums at like level 3, its their choice but they shouldnt complain when it happens. Will say sucks for like the US that is predominantly stuck with them

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New dev: The weird fella a rank two for britain xD

I think I speak for a few people when I say that 2024 was way too air heavy in terms of top tier.

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I was joking but a Tunguska could be fun.

It’s exasperating as a British main we just want a good light tank and the smallest buffs possible to the CR2 family…That is literally it

Problem I have with these vehicle packs is you dont need them. Until you hit 4.0-5.0 Bracket the grind is pretty minimal by which point your aircraft and tank bundle are now worthless.

literally, so many options yet we only get spaa, and MBTs would love some top tier light tanks but eh

Meanwhile israel finally getting a light tank above 6.7 after 4 years, only for those light tanks to still be less mobile than their MBTs and play like neutered MBTs.

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“I refuse!”

yeah, tbf at the very least they are unique, desert warrior as nice as it is is just a M3A3 Bradly with a faster reverse

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You will get G6-HVM and you will like it.

I would like that!

U guys think gajin really leak mica ir in the First dev ?

God damnit, if I had known that we’d be getting the Harry Hopkins, I’d have never asked for more WW2 vehicles

see, thats something that would actually help and would at least put us on the same tier as everyone else

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More pizza car veichle for defending d point 🗿

How dare you not like the cutie that is the Harry Hopkins! Goes perfectly with the Alecto!

It’s a fine vehicle, but we already have plenty light tanks at that BR range

How many have sloped armour though xD