tupolev: I have guns
75,000lb of freedom
never heard of that one, what is it?
B52 had rearwatd firing missiles lol
No. 14 was the first attempt at an 18 inch battleship before Yamato
aren’t you confusing with No.13?
Besides, that one didn’t has its own module
If you think it should be an XM35 go ahead submit a bug report. Documentation shows the AGS was created with the M68A1 then for the AGS program it was to receive the XM35 to hit the Army’s weight requirement. This will go to whatever Gaijin decided as to what version of the tank they want to have. You can say that looks like an XM35 and I could say it looks like an M68A1.
I guess
In any case i dint think it was laid down
Tosa absolutely was tho
Yeah. Nagato/Tosa/Yamato/Musashi would be the choice left for Gaijin.
Though skeptical about two Yamato class this year, and also skeptical about Tosa as she is not ‘famous’
so maybe Nagato and Yamato for this year’s JPN naval tree.
It doesn’t matter to me. I’m just saying that the only tank the M900 was cleared for use on was the M1 Abrams with the M68, and no other tank pre-1995.
M60A3 was also used M900 during desert Storm.
XM35 was always cleared for M900. Even though it’s lighter it features a reinforced breech. Same cannon that was on the M8 and now the M10 booker.
Cause it was the only tank in service with a Recoil mount approved to take the recoil.
Close enough. Welcome back Sturmgeschütz III.
My lineup is Ariete AMV, Centauro 120, Otomatic, Ariete (WAR) Ariete PSO, F-2000A and A-129D
JAS 39 Gripen A (SwAF) change to 13.3, RB 71 replace with RB 99 but lose RB 74(M). I agree J-11A will be 13.3
I want AIM-120C-5 to replace AIM-120A & AIM-120B on JAS 39 C EBS HU and JAS 39 Gripen C (RTAF) if change to 14.0, Python 4 instead AIM-9M for F-15C Baz. Mirage 2000-5F might receive MICA IR and to replace Super 530F after up to 14.0
Mirage 2000-5Ei stay 13.7, But J-10A (early) pre PL-12 service ?
If gaijin ready 5th gen IR Air-to-Air Missile, in the future decompression to 14.7
I included both in case gaijin wants to add an event/squadron one since it differs quite heavily to the J-35 we know now, iirc it used older engines, maybe even RD-93 from Mig-29 and had other large differences that distinguish both aircraft
Innaccurate and Ahistorical, bad change
We don’t really need an early J-10 considering how many features are lacking from the current one compared to other J-10 airframes
Keep arguing missile jockeys 🥱
It’s 2 different problem. you are talking about current J-10A being unfinished, he is talking about adding a new J-10(early), possibly with PL-8 and PL-11, should be quite interesting. A new J-10(early) can replace current F-16 MLU, release the F-16 MLU from it’s position, to give full capability like F-16AM, and fill the Chinese top CAS