Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Fair, im up from 8pm until about 7-8am when i finally got to sleep then wake up in the afternoon.

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ah, well that sounds like fun.

Well have a good day, and goodnight, see you tomorrow or something lol

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Please recalculate

alright fiiine, give me 2 minutes

Last Quartas121 Post Percentage Update for the day: 11.609632446%

Now goodnight and i’ll be back tomorrow, i should have been asleep 2 hours ago

yo where did you find this leak?

No leak its a guess, but wouldnt bet on it

Its not a leak just people guessing blanks from one of the leaks on the data mine discord server


gaijin when

strategic bomber related stuff was announced or leaked right?


The gun used AGS wasn’t an M68A1 anyway, it was an early XM35.

It was said they were going to swap the M68 series gun for the new lighter XM35 for the trials but I never found anything to confirm that conversion happened.

A boat, so do you play top tier naval?

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imagine using chatgpt for calculation


Whatever it is, it’s definitely not a standard M68. Just looking at the bore evacuator and muzzle break is enough to confirm that.

Early M68A1 on the Stryker had the same muzzle brake and the bore evacuator looks like it’s mounted upside down. They removed the muzzle brake cause it was unnecessary.

what top tier boats does japan have left?

EX35, pretty sure this is what’s fitted to the AGS

Leaked, but that they, apparently, looking into

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cant wait for boeing v. tupolev lol

Tosa, No. 14, that one really big ship.