Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Eh not something I am particularly interested in grinding, but if it allows the F-16MLU to become an actual MLU then sure, why not

Surprised it’s not quartas121 again

Guys, what did gaijin do this time


fair, tho ig there is a bug now causing your profile pick to be changed to the defult one, tho only in game

Can’t pleases everyone.

THey cant go a day without breaking something either aperentaly

J-10A (early) pre PL-8B service only ?

I predict that spec, avionics and armament similar to J-10S but non GPS guided munitions LS-6

J-10 place before F-16A Block 20 MLU, my guess

F-16A Block 20 MLU from china tech tree early service. pre LANTIRN Sharpshooter pod, AIM-120C, AGM-65G/G-2, AGM-84 Harpoon and Paveway II LGB

Gajin call J-10, maybe

I’m not sure J-10 could be 12.3 or 12.7 but Air-to-Ground munitions better F-16A Block 20 MLU (early service).

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PFP reverted to default and can’t change it back. Amazing work as always guys.

Wow thats early




They even broke their SSL 😭

Websites down on my end

So early the site died…

Normal morning at Gaijin offices.

  1. come in
  2. break something in the game
  3. break something on the website
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rest in peace website

Always prepared when devblog coming.

discord notif

Ahhh so thats not only me. Got little bit scared that it was only me. Happy to know that is Gaijin fault

We’re having website issues and are aware. In the meantime, the latest blog can be seen here:


Not just website issues.

Profile pictures in game don’t work.

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