Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

There’s already quite a few planes at 13.3 that have similar capabilities, like the Jf-17, Su-34, and the Mig-29SMT. It’s also the BR where the F-4F ICE and the ARH Tornado should be.

The J-11A is by far the worst 13.7 plane, and it should be 13.3.

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F-15C doesn’t have AAM-3 either

If that’s the case, Su-27SM should be 14.0 on grounds of having such good flight performance

except the flight performance is inferior to most of the other 13.7s, has worse ARHs, and a worse radar. the top tier flankers are some mid dawg- even after their FM buff.

R73M then to justify it

I will not give these vehicles weapons that arent in the game. thats the whole point of what I typed

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Spo-15 is found at 11.0 with the Su-22s, And its radar is quite bad too, since I think it shares it with the 12.7 Mig-29s.

Fair enough. If J-11 did go 13.3 would be pretty strong though

So bad RWR and basic radar is justification to go down?

“bad” RWR is an understatement. Borders on unusable RWR, a weak radar that can’t even let you launch multiple ARHs (something every other jet at your BR and every ARH carrier below you can do btw), an unremarkable FM for your BR, and you dont carry many of the rather sad ARHs you’re stuck with.

Yes that’s justification, because the Su-34 has the same ARH load, a better radar, a far better RWR, in exchange for no HMD and it flies worse.

Your RWR in the 11A is just good enough to tell you that you’re being picked up on radar.
The J-11A’s br was more justified on launch of the Seek and Destroy update, because it traded its RWR and Radar for a MAWS and besides that the Su-27SM and it were identical. Then gaijin gave the SM new engines and 2 extra R-77s

So due to bad RWR, and less advanced radar, F-14A’s should go down unless they get better IR missile and RIO is modelled?

that’s a hilariously loaded comparison

Given the 14A’s radar is still good by the standards of 12.7, and no other plane at 12.7 gets ARHs while it does. Good try though.

A better example would be the 14B or 14 IRIAF which are both stuck at 13.0 at a BR where their radars aren’t as remarkable anymore, their IR missiles are drastically inferior, and their previously unique gimmick (ARHs) are handled better on the planes of that BR. Given the ICE and tornado F3 both have AIM-120s at that exact same BR. While also carrying 9Ms

Well IRIAF is still an A, that was the one I was mostly getting at, but RWR still affects the regular USN A

But if they gave the plain F-14A a working RIO that would make up for bad RWR.

For IRIAF, I think it was R-73 or Fatter, and F-14B should really have 9M

Ultimately the point is that the F-14A does not struggle at 12.7, it can comfortably fight its fellow 12.7s, and all of them get equally curbed by their superiors.

The IRIAF and Bravo both struggle to even match their same BR brothers, let alone fighting uptiered vehicles. Your example just isn’t the same. The reason the J-11A going to 13.3 would even work, is because it wouldn’t change anything- the Mig 29SMT sits at 13.3 with an HMD, better radar, better rate of climb, arguably better maneuverability (depends on if its high speed or low speed). But it’s slower, with less missiles (still carries up to 6 ARHs)

The F-16D Barak gets a better radar, flies better, has 6 arguably better ARHs, and an HMD
The Su-34 has the same ARH count, same ARHs, better radar, and RWR, but flies worse and it’s 13.3

TLDR this convo got off the rails. The point is that’s how I’d shift BRs under typical gaijin constraints.

The J-11A is some buns and the fact that it’s the same BR as the Su-27SM speaks volumes about the Su-27SM’s players.

Wooooooow not my 5 minutes in paint


you did it in paint? Why not download GIMP (it’s like photoshop but it doesn’t cost you a kidney)

Goodnight Comrades.

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Gaijin please release aomething cool for my birthday today 🎉

Morning from Denmark 👋

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still 15 minutes until morning here lol
(I count midnight as morning because I be like that lol)

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