But M1128 has M900 no?
Have to lock in
Yes, but the technical manual is from before the Stryker MGS entered service.
By the way, you do realize the manual is probably referring to only main service vehicles right?
The manual generally does not refer to any vehicles at all, with the exception of M900.
Who is the manual for though? Wouldn’t the ppl designing and carrying out tests on vehicles be well aware of what it can and can’t fire?
And wasn’t it said that AGS gun is same as M1IP gun? What difference is there between the exact same gun on each vehicle that makes firing M900 impossible on one?
F-15E, F-15I Ra’am, F-16C Block 50, EF-2000 (T2 Blk 10), F-2000A (T2 Blk 10), Rafale C, Typhoon FGR.4 and JAS 39 Gripen C (RTAF & SwAF) to 14.3
Including F-16C/D Block 40 Barak, JAS39 Gripen C (SAAF) and JAS 39 EBS HU
AIM-120C-3 & AIM-120C-5 on F-15C MSIP and Su-27SM get R-73M if increase BR to 14.0
The manual simply lists all ammunition in service with the US Army and provides a description of each of them.
Both M68A1s, though the cannon on the AGS doesn’t look like one. The bore evacuator and muzzle break are totally difference. Evens still, not all M68A1s are equal, only the later serials are cleared for using M900.
I’m confused why are the Block 50 F-16 and the Jas 39s going up to 14.3 when they’re not only objectively inferior to said planes at 14.0. But the J-10A at 13.7 is better than both?
Your suggestion is odd
Maybe if they make the F-16C PoBIT spec
yeah lol
Especially Gripen C from Hungarian and Thailand receive AIM-120C-5 and instead AIM-120B
AIM-9X (Block 1) and AIM-120C-5 to replace AIM-9L & AIM-120A
J-10A (early production) from china tech tree pre PL-12 service ?
so you’re uptiering jets that we have in game, and making gaps that don’t need to be made… for no reason?
All under the very crazy assumption they get buffed missiles (and assuming the current 14.0s dont get those missiles?)
He does this a lot, its better to just not question it
Tbf C-5 would be worse than what we currently have, they would be better for long range shots but at close range which the planes he listed end up engaging because they don’t climb well, it would be a nerf to give them less agility.
Didn’t the 120C get improved close range performance at some point?
Here is how I’d approach balancing out the 13.7s under the following criteria
- I cannot add weapons that are not in the game to these vehicles, nor can I change their existing characteristics
- I can only increase the BR cap to a maximum of 14.3
First Batch
13.7 → 13.3
J-11A, JAS39C (SA) - These two vehicles are in most ways on par with the existing 13.3 roster while being inferior to their fellow 13.7s. The J-11A especially when compared to the Su-34 is pretty much a slightly more agile (still not agile) boat, with an HMD but worse… pretty much everything else.
13.7 → 13.7
F-16A OCU, Su-27SM, F-16AM, F-16C Barak, F-16C - These vehicles while there’s a performance gap between some of them that can be drastic. Some (like the OCU) just have features that cant justify them going down if it keeps them, while some like the 16C and 16C Barak while really good… are just below some of the later jets in some aspects that I personally feel are a bit more important.
13.7 → 14.0
F-15C, F-15JM, Baz Meshupar, Mirage 2000-5F, Mirage 2000-5Ei, J-10A, Jas 39C/HU/Thai - These vehicles place above their predecessors due either to vastly surpassing them in WVR combat (J-10A, M2Ks), vastly surpassing them at BVR combat (F-15C, F-15JM, Baz M), or in the gripens case, matching them in WVR while surpassing them at BVR. Due to the (in my experience) superior radar, and more plentiful CM count.
14.0 → 14.3
Rafale C F3R, F-2000A, EF-2000, Typhoon FGR.4, F-15E, Ra’am - Nothing to really explain here imo
I don’t like making hypothetical BR changes under the assumption that these vehicles suddenly get new weapons, nor do I like leaving major gaps if it can be helped.
The 16C Block 50s dont need to go up themselves, when you can just add a newer F-16 variant in its place. Even with AIM-120C-5s I couldn’t justify putting them against the Typhoons
So ARH flanker 1 step away from SARH F-15?
The M68A1 breech was able to handle M900 pressure. BTW your souces doesn’t say the breech will fail it says the recoil system may fail.