sep v3 file
sekrit document leak ?
no but im pretty sure someone gonna leak the T-80BVM(and i have nothing to do with it)
and i might be deadass
not sure tho
do we have a new leak list
thats as up to date as i am, so no new ones that i know of
Can you link this? I wasn’t here when it happened.
Vielen Dank.
It can’t. M900 is a high-pressure round, developed well after the AGS. It was only capable of being used on guns which could handle the higher pressure, which the AGS did not have.
The AGS uses the M68A1 same gun on the m1ip. Hell it the same cannon as the stryker MGS.
the problem is i cant send the document because access denied
the document that said it CAN fire it
It’s the breech that’s important, not the gun barrel itself. Only the M1IPs (and later the Stryker MGS) were equipped with these breeches.
Bro, M900 didn’t exist at the time the AGS was made and cancelled. It’s not possible.
The is the M68A1 upgrade from the M68.
Can’t wait
But not all M68A1s are the same… only the later variants used on the M1 and Stryker had the high-pressure breeches.
M900 was made in 1991
AGS was made and propose in 1992-1996
The gun and breach can fire M900, but it is more expensive to do so
The reason why it was cancelled because it was a prototype which lead to the stryker mgs being create
The US want the abrams to use M900, not this prototype
M900 being “too expensive” to use for it is the reason why it doesnt have it, M900 was new at the time which make it expensive and the AGS cost quite bit to made
oh dang. that’s a lot of comments per day.
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