Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

For some of those empty spaces you are hitting crew compartment. Where you will hit troops not crew. Do you want that modeled in WT to feel good? It serves no purpose.

End of the day we don’t need over pressure to return to what it once was where tanks were getting Over Pressured from scratches.

F-2 when OwO


I doubt it lol

I mean, it fits perfectly… :')


I’m stealing @Mikuzume 's meme that they sent me:


I disagree we need an armour over match mechanic…in no world should a L26 or DM-33 be ricocheting off the front plate of a BMP/Striker/CV-90

Your heart is now going to be crushed 10 fold now if it doesn’t come.

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Question is, why wouldn’t it come?

Ricochets are a whole other ball park. Yeah there are a lot of issues with the troll armor angles that could be addressed but Over pressure is not the answer.

Must be nice to have a top tier tank to add to your lineup.
Britain has no more top tier tanks to add :'(



Cause gaijin decided not to add it? Trust me I really want it to come too I hated the implementation of the v2.

That is also why I said “if”

We are so far away from that. But yes the CR3 (Final) can be the punching bag to the newer T-90s and Leopard 2A8s…Fulfilling the role its father did as the CR2

because america really needs another abrams that they’re gonna suck with.

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We should get the real Challenger 3 this year, the one in game is a tech demonstrator, right?

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where is the Ariete AMV PT2

Yes I agree it will be coming any day now!

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We probably will but it’s going to be no better they refuse to give it armour we have no idea what the new armour array provides and it will still have the slowest DM-53/63 reload rate.
2A8 will have even thicker armour, T-90M (Obr 23) will have ERA on the lower front plate weakness (Russian ERA) not crappy Western ERA.

It wont have the new engine and will still handle like a bus

I have zero excitement for the CR3 (Final)

Well, they cant even be bothered to get a blowout panel. AFAIK the transmission was a copy as well.

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For something that was very close to making it into the game such as Germany H145M, any information about it returning to the game?