Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

New top tier MBT as well. Looks like it has more armour than the type 10 as well


Looks rather good. Britain might not have the greatest MBTs but they look the best


What is the point without armor fix?

At least it would be another 1,500hp Ariete…

Regarding armor fixes; hull would change nothing, to be fair. The best bet would be the turret; but even then, only a fixed turret + fixed WAR kit would be useful.

Fixed turret without WAR would still be Challenger 1-level only, which, at Top Tier, is basically like nothing (470mm KE).

Fixed turret + fixed WAR kit however, would be able to provide around 560mm KE; just enough to withstand lower end shells like 3BM46, 3BM60 (at some ranges/angles), DM43, OFL F1, L27A1, etc.

Ariete is a clear case of needing the next stage of shell.

Make it the ultimate top tier glass canon

(If it has a better shell)

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Its good for cheap f15e

The issue is known: Community Bug Reporting System

That would be nice already, WAR kit not being dead weight would be an awesome improvement.
I mean I would rather have Centauro 2 than another broken AMV.

this is still happening

if it just have accurate reload rate then it wouldnt be too bad tbh

EBRC fit also in place of BMPT :p

But yeah not as event

Perhaps EBRC Jaguar - FR fit?

Lol it was like 12 seconds back then, its good enough for 12.7 lineup with recent suspension buff. Hstvl looks better but i can’t play with 300p thermal anymore.

It can get Shard, they don’t have it in service, but Ariete is listed in its brochure, which should be enough since we already have DM53 for Ariete.
For AMV or better PT2 (or C2), it can be interesting, but for other Arietes I would rather had a proper (lower) BR with fixed armor (and removal of DM53 and RoF buff).

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Yeah, much the same as the CR2. With armour and RoF buffs it could stay in the fight, but honestly would be better off just at a lower BR where it did not face the meta tanks 24/7

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Indeed, like the good old times.

Back when Ariete had CL3143 and everyone else was capped to DM33-level, it still had useless armor; but it excelled in firepower like no one else, making it a pro favourite niche glass canon.

Then, it became just a… glass.

With SHARD, it could become a good glass canon again with a strong selling point through its firepower.

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mobility dawg, literally when your 3rd best tank is worse than most of the 11.3 MBTs, I’ll take anything.

why wouldnt they accept the bug report of it tho, there literal proof of it but they just said no

I agree.

Ariete and Ariete PSO should be 11.0s limited to their historical CL3143 shell.

Ariete AMV, Ariete AMV PT2 and C2 Ariete should be Top BR with SHARD.

All of this, including armor fixes, of course.

Italy is currently the only nation I haven’t grinded, and I have no plans to do so at its current state. But if it suddenly got 3 1,500hp Arietes with SHARD and a 5 second reload on top of Leopard 2A7HU… I would even consider it.

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the ironic part is I find this shell to be better than DM53

Gaijin over values DM53 when judging vehicle BRs

My mistake, it was 10 sec.
There’s a spookston video about it,