If you shoot an actual 120mm round you should be hitting something vital in that small tank. We don’t need mechanics to crutch for bad shots.
Yeah i got a migraine so I went home, prop going to skip the day of the stream too. (hopefully)
Ok 👍
Ah that sucks, I get migraines too, takes me out for a day every time, hope you’re feeling better.
Prediction. Japan doesnt get the F-2. Instead it gets F-15J SI to allow F-15EX to be slotted in a future update fkr US since F-15J SI is a watered down F-15EX (its just an F-15J (M) with modern electronics from the EX including combat display systems and radar, allowing it access to AAM-4B and is also able to mount AAM-5 tho Gaijin shot down new IRCCM’s so dont expect that missile coming anytime soon)
Thank you.
Did japan use the F15EX?
No and i said F-15EX would be going to US. Was saying that the J SI is a watered down EX
I meant the dev-stable update itself.
Fair enough
Dude, this is a 12cm, 10kg piece of crap, it should have at least broken its track, at the very least. These are server glitches, how many times does a crowbar fly past the fighting compartment and cause no damage, or yesterday THREE 90mm HEAT shells hit the side of the turret at point-blank range and everyone in it remained alive, they just turned yellow, probably wet themselves from fear)))
Japan don’t but Thailand are looking to replace their F-16s with the EX potentially being an option, though the F-16V is more likely.
Indonesia and Boeing have signed an MoU stating that Indonesia will buy F-15EXs (F-15IDN), and I believe that Indonesia is one of the more popular ideas for a second Japanese subtree, so it is possible that we see it in the Japanese tree eventually.
Gaijin don’t model all the systems.
The tank can still fight have seen it with a PUMA and a 2S38 and that was with an L26
Wolfpack is the worst in my experience. That thing eats rounds for breakfast
i regret buying m1128 tbh
It’s gonna be a longer wait than it already is…
cant imagine sep v3 having lws and thats it
no armor change whatsoever
I’m curious if this is just them being efficient or if they plan to have the teaser/devserver/etc earlier than the usual thurs/fri. I suppose time will tell
If you hit empty space yeah. It’s fairly annoying I agree. But at the end of the day that still a bad shot. And the tank in question of the discussion is the XM800T that little thing where everything is tight and close together.
You hit empty space because it isn’t populated.
Not necessarily a bad shot.