Why have there only been 1 dev a day?
It’s absolutely frustrating, sometimes it’s once or twice a day and other times it’s happening constantly.
Ye that’s why it’s magic duh
Because that how it always been
SEPv3 blog is coming any day now.
Any day…
Yep, usually when it happesn I just give up playing the game and go on something else
Nice, it’s always torture for me, those last few hours of work when the dev server is open.
Seems they got their nice J-10B/F-2A teaser done for this week then, can’t wait!
Here’s the XM800 with magic armor! It destroys Mouse’s tracks and gun in one second, and in return it gets “hits”)
To be honest, because of such constant crap I want to delete the client and send them…
That would be glorious
When does the dev stream starts anyway normally around 2 isn’t it ?
I mean the XM800T has no armor and it looks like your shell didn’t fuse or hit anything important but yeah some kinda hull break needs to be added
yeah, that sounds about right, I always try to sneak it on my phone, Friday is usually quiet, so it’s never been an issue for me
Lukcily i’m home sick, otherwise my teachers would kill me if I watched it in class
Exactly, it’s just not worth the frustration after it freezes mid climb in ARB or when you are flying back to rearm and decide to browse online on a different window.
The worse part for me is that this issue has been known about since it started happening but all the reports on it are either ignored or abandoned. Stona did comment on a topic about this issue but all they said was “Well it doesn’t happen to me, just make a report.”
Should be good then if I finish at 12 got time to unwind before the dust storm : P
Use HE it should hull break. We don’t need broken hull break mechanics for every round. Hell IIRC it has an ammo carousel like the T model tanks shot that ammo det it.
For me its changing whatever im watching on my second monitor whilst playing ASB, so im mid flight and it does it
I mean if you shoot a light tank with a 120mm AP round I feel like that should cause some form of hill break
Can’t tell if that’s home sick or “home sick”
If it’s the first then I hope you get well soon, if it’s the second then nice one