Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Yes, have you never heard of the M735 nerf? Or M61 APHE, or M829A3?

isnt that planet defense cannon commander

Well we were talking tanks, but was more so talking that not in every case does it translate well back for english, especially when some vehicles names call themselves a vehicle twice.

Mine is no better 😁

Yeah, it was meant to be anyways, its a game thats coming out, kinda looking forward to it

its been a while

@Smin1080p_WT is there any chance su-30mki coming ts update for britain? or any other indian stuff


How does that translate into other languages?



Fengtaifabrik Panzerzestorer Baotoupanzerfabrik Schtuzenpanzer Panzerschtuze(panzerkette) Vier A(sonderkraftfahrzeug 502) auf Rotpfeil 10 Panzerabwehrlenkwaffen, Panzerzestorerbattalion, artillerieregiment 112(Volksbefreiungsarmee)


Besides in Danish we also tend to just fuse words together to make a new word that explains the specifc action or term

Miljøbeskyttelsesforanstaltninger is an example but thats not really a very long example

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Big turret ring weakspot


get combat wagon in there and its good.


Panzer, Kampf, vollverkettet (voll bekettet? dunno if there is a standard designation for that), 105mm Kanone, Modell 1

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That actually makes sense

I guess they do translate fairly well into German

It’s a very similar system, just that the Germans didn’t just call their stuff M# but rather Panzer #, Flakpanzer # or MG # or whatever

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So similar to how ppl would say M1 carbine or M1 Garand or M1 Abrams?

Surely F/A-18C/E and Su-30SM won’t hog all the screentime. Surely the J10B and F-2A will be spared more than 3 seconds each))


M1 Abrams: ABRAMS
M1 Garand: GARAND
call by designated name

Well, there is no need to specify a name when you don’t give the same (shortened) designation to multiple things.
When talking about a Panzer IV it is obvious that it is the tank that you are talking about.

M1 Carbine: CARBINE

See how that doesn’t work too good?