Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

That cannot defeat my mighty Baotoufabrik panzerkampfwagen kampfpanzer auf 12.5cm KwK 98 IC(sonderkrauftfahrzeug 123 a)A


Maybe it makes sense for you guys, but for an outsider it doesn’t make sense to use the exact same designation scheme for both ground vehicles and guns at the same time

At least you managed to differentiate your planes from your helicopters

It makes sense if you use it properly

yeah… But that’s not all European x)

may this compete thy sentence
Gepanzerter Munitionsschlepper (Sonderkraftfahrzeug 111) auf Fahrgestell Panzerkampfwagen I Ausführung A mit 2 cm flugzeugbwehrkanone 38 (selbstfahr) (Flugabwehr-Bataillon (motorisiert) 614) (Heer, Wehrmacht)

I like the British system of just giving most things names, even the F-35 is technically just the Lightning III, though I think the F-35 designation is pretty common


Quite easy to understand, since it is a compound word


German lessons, with a half-native speaker 😂

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Tank defense gun car makes no sense

i only know “was ist dat”

At 2:30 that will never not be the most funny line said imo

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For English language - yes

Because this is not how you should read it most likely, like translating word for word will not make sense all the time.

I like the French way that sometime use just acronym for making name.

Like the CAESAR is for “CAmion Equipé d’un Système d’ARtillerie” (=truck equipped with an artillery system)



Yeah, it’s pretty neat and there actually is some thought behind most of the names
(Too bad they messed up by having multiple Challengers lol)

It does if you use other languages. Trying to use that same logic with english makes english very silly to most other languages

Oh my god, you use that same system for explosives and ammo as well?


German is fun, though I bet my spelling is awful xD

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So Carbine, Caliber .30, M1 doesn’t make sense in German?

smin, is there any chance su-30mki coming ts update for britain? 💔


Thats the name of a game and yes, your spelling of it is awful