Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Depends, because:
A: I never claimed its real in the first place…
B: there is an Big Unofficial written on it…
C: Its shows quite good what we can overall roughly exspect…

Remember how much stock grind su34s are going through? Yeah, this would be similar lol

I heard, and it’s unconfirmed, but harpoons could make an appearance which would be cool, again major take with a grain of salt statement but it would be cool

I mean, did I say that Germany is suffering? lol

Yes, France can receive both. However, it only receives crumbs.



I mean, it doesn’t look particularly unrealistic as most of the weapons are ingame already. I was just wondering if this was the one that had been debunked.

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Very likely… since its pretty old at this point…
ITS JUST SHOWS WHAT IT COULD CARRY, Not what we will see in game

Wrong thread?

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Mate, I’m not trying to argue here, I was just curious

I am also saying it to you, but to the other dudes which activated schizo Mode because OMG, new leak… (spoiler, no new leak…)

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You misspelled Rafale M F.4.

We already have a C variant, and we got more and more planes for the navy ingame (some Su, F-18s coming etc)

It’s time to use carriers too ! (Charles de Gaulle when Gaijin ?!)



Gaijin if they want to do something cool and funny (totally dont want to roleplay as a combat capable T-38)




ive seen this IRL, its so ugly!


The ugliest plane, ever.

prone position meteor. turns out, flying laying down isnt very effective!

Dunno, there was a German experimental plane that was built for testing prone position flying and the pilots apparently really enjoyed it

“Prone Pilot” Meteor, sadly unarmed iirc

Could also be EX, or bomber like B-21

But for EX, have to consider that it is replacing the F-15C, not E, even though it is effectively a heavily upgraded E. So still unsure of where that should go

Also, silent eagle was a prototype. Never really went anywhere

F/A-18E would go in F-14 lines, but F/A-18C would go in AV-8B because

  1. Super hornet replaced tomcat
  2. Hornet is operated by USMC like AV-8B and that is where we’ll get anything past a C from (C+, C+ late with AN/APG-79v4)