Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

So early the site died…

Normal morning at Gaijin offices.

  1. come in
  2. break something in the game
  3. break something on the website
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rest in peace website

Always prepared when devblog coming.

discord notif

Ahhh so thats not only me. Got little bit scared that it was only me. Happy to know that is Gaijin fault

We’re having website issues and are aware. In the meantime, the latest blog can be seen here:


Not just website issues.

Profile pictures in game don’t work.

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Too early, is there any chance we get 2nd devblog for today/tonight?

I’m sure that one of the engineer’s kid draw that tank.

We’re aware of this issue as well.

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I wonder, is that realy it for today or is there more planned?


Oh this is Smin’s favorite vehicle for the update.

Pretty early so possibly more inbound

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DDoS attack?



Brig what’s with the low tier light tanks lately :/

Like, top Tier only had 1 MBT in a whole year… and then they say that “Gaijin puts too much focus on Top Tier tanks and abandoned Low Tier” even though it’s been the exact opposite for over a year now xd

Like, come on, throw us a bone! :’)

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I somehow was able to imagine squire reading this dev while going over the texts lol idk why

Only 2 GB500 vs 6 AGM65s I think the F16 is much better than even J10A at CAS given it is still missing 2 more guided bombs. Maybe 12.7 like Mirage CS5, exchange better SARH for IRCCM missile.

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Opens this topic one day: “Stop adding modern vehicles all the time, add some more low tier / WW2 vehicles!”

Opens this topic the next day: “Why are so many low tier / WW2 vehicles being added? More modern vehicles!”



Personally im glad theres more ww2 being added, easily my favourite part of the game