Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

yeah they are

Shes Colombian and we dated when i lived in spain lol

its an Israel F16AJ itll have Sparrows as well

This unironically for subs but only for subs

yeah, that sounds about right, just a cash grab, I guess it’s the first premium F-16 so it’ll probably sell well, but it’s not gonna be as good for grinding Israel as the Kfir Canard I don’t think

Appreciate the reply

If PIRATE IRST actually works all that stealth paint will be meaningless and the salt from America mains will give me dangerously high blood pressure

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They did it again. Israel does not exist. Another quarter without a top SPAA.

Also, that teaser was bs… where are the new top vehicles for ground?

A whole year of introducing new planes that we don’t need, all to sell premium F-16s. We want the damn tanks too. Put more people to work.


With the new F/A-18C we do now need Nimitz class carriers

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They haven’t done anything, we domt know whats coming yet fully but i agree lol

Agreed, if it worked :(

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Enterprise CVN-65 better choice

The big E is a legend in her own right.
I just want to take off a proper carrier in a Hornet loaded with ground strike ordinance at night with full NODs in SIM.

Really should be able to launch AMRAAMs from IRST, at least eventually


You still cant beat f22s secret weapon

How earthquakingly loud the damn thing is

Trust me bro, that list looks pretty convincing and complete.

USS Enterprise, the first nuclear carrier

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I would seriously swap the Radar and 120s for a working IRST system and ASRAAMS

Idk, until i see the dev server tomorrow ill hold off. The only things actually confirmed rn are any of the devblogs or vehicles in the trailer so for now most nations have nothing.

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The public brochures directly mention missile slaving to pirate so it should be able to shoot a fox 3 as soon as it sees anything