there is quite the simple solution to dying to long range GPS guided glide bombs:
you make it sound so simple
What about KH38?
i do think i have been very particular with my wording on both of those messages
I do hope they buff the brimstones to make it worth bringing, because right now I dont really see a reason to bring them outside of the enemy having no SPAA and even then your getting one kill per fly by due to the speed of the missile being slower then the plane so you cant stagger fire them like you can on a heli to hit multiple targets
i feel theyll fill the same purpose as the vikhr does on the 25T. you wont get to use them too often but if theres room to use them you can get a lot of kills very quickly
well you would think that, but your getting at most a single kill per fly over due to their speed, on the Su25T thats fine the vikhrs are a lot faster then it so you can easily get off 2 to 3 kills in a pass, the tornado is a lot faster then the brimstones and you would be very lucky to get 2 kills in a pass, right now these weapons seem pretty useless when you can just bring 4 PGM500s and launch them from 20km and land while they are going in
and you bleed alot of speed to reengage without using the whole map to turn around in
For Brimstone, it could be like, in 8km away, high in sky, fire it with time gap, then pull up, guide it and hit the target one by one
I tried that in the test drive and you dont have enough time to really do that, not to mention like @Tictaculer said you bleed a lot of speed which leaves you very slow and an easy kill for any SPAA
you can only ripple fire them if you are traveling sub 400kmh at altitude but you are then a complete sitting duck
i managed to get a ripple fire of in the test drive but i was traveling at stall speed at 5km up and sure i was hitting targets but i would have been dead before the first missile hit
I just tried it, diving from 7km you can get 2 ATGMs off but you will have next to no altitude left and you barely have any time to switch targets
i what i was doing was slowly falling out the sky from around 7k altitude and around 10k from the ground units waiting 4 seconds between launch and you would have just enough time to switch targets
Japan finally get’s their SPAA! /s :P
and this is literally idea situation with no clouds and nothing forcing you to evade which at the speed you need to be at to do this you cant avoid and then the ground units are not spread apart and moving
issue with the vikhr is the fact you need to fly straight at your target almost because gaijin doesnt seem to be able to comprehend the russians ever used tgps
yeah but the situation we were talking about was if the enemy had no AA, in that situation you will get more kills in a pass with the Su25 then the tornado