Still nothing in the files about the Mirage 2000D RMV ? Only CAS plane in the leak list that don’t appear anywhere… :/
tbh with how they are treating the Tornado Gr4 I would fear for the RMV, it will probably come out like the harrier Gr7, will be in the files in the last dev server and might just show up in the live server on patch day
well removing mavs on the F-15E would give Gaijin reasons to give it the -229 engines like the F-15I, so I’m not sure how much US players would complain about that.
Yeah also i can see it coming without potential AASM, so just be a sidegrade 2000-5F but way worst in A2A with nothing “special” for ground… If it comes ^^’
Or in a crazy world an early Rafale is coming, after all the EFT was delayed to 2025 but they didn’t talked about a Rafale :p (yeah yeah big dreaming)
yeah same thing is kinda happening to the Gr4, dont get me wrong it has improvements but those improvements has shot it an entire br above the current one, and you are still just gonna be using mainly the PGM500s for kills so it is pretty much a side grade
At least you have new modern weaponry, even if “BalAnCed”, they have room for improvment.
The RMV without AASM would sound like the Gr4 without Brimstone, no new main toy ^^
eh honestly at this point if it meant the thing would go down in BR i would rather the thing not have brimstones, knowing gaijin tho the thing will be even higher in br for some reason
But isn’t the point of the Gr4 to add more in your lacking top tier air TT?
Lower BR would not help one of your current problem.
but neither do Laser only Brimstones
All i can hope for you is unnerfed brimstone, no way they keep them in that state when they can be “balanced” to be at least on par with the new toys Russia got.
well the problem is they dont even compete with russias old toy’s brimstones are a mid point between kh25’s and 29’s but they are much slower
It’s not so bad. With IOG, it can be fired and guided in almost 20km away, it’s still Pantsir problem, not a Brimstone problem, with parrt Tornado paroblem.
But when facing other SPAA, it’s a powerful weapon, much better than KH-29.
It takes more than 60 seconds to travel further than 14km, and at the moment the guidance time is 60 seconds. Even without the guidance time deley thats still 60 SECONDS of guidance time while your up in the air, if your facing a pnatsir that just gives him free reign to shoot at you, if your not facing a pantsir then the whole teams dead by the time you get up in the air because the russians have already depleted their kh38 stores.
Yes, so it’s. I’m not saying it’s equal to SU-34 or F-16C. if enemy no Pantsir, you can stay at about 12km, it’s still faster than AGM-65.
The japanese vehicle supports the claim that Gaijin is ordering multiple vehicles at once from modelers with slight differences, so that is why they cannot just spawn a south african OSA easily (because it was not ordered back then) or we see the same IFV twice or the ZSU-23 with slight differences added back to back
what he didn’t add is that you can go to a new game after landing and by the time you have destroyed the first base you would be in your 4th game. Some way to grind isn’t it. Taken from Hunter’s video
its not 2000D RMV fault, its the imaginary Mirage 2000 5f fault that if 2000D RMV would come, it would be a sidegrade to 2000 5f, in reality, the 5f designation was a fighter only designation. no A2G
also, if the first rafale would come to the game, it would be a sidegrade to the 2000 5f current state aswell, because you are trading 8 missiles (only 6 on rafale) and a2g capability, for better agility and radar :3
Yep that’s why i talk about Rafale, early variant would not break the game.
Now question is do we need thoses early variants x)
i wouldnt say we need it right now, 2000 5f is plenty to go with right now, can take most of the current top tier jets both in bvr and in dogfight
Yeah but with the recent Su39 that looks crazy, i wonder why EFT (and probably Rafale) are delayed to 2025.