Major Update "Firebirds" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

I doubt it. As Gaijin is modeling it as if the mmV seeker doesnt even exist. It requires a Tpod to use. Similar to how the Tornados cant carry 2x GBU-24s like they did IRL in Op Granby. As they have to self designate targets and buddy lase

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this whole update for britian outside of the scimitar just feels like a massive miss as neither of the air or navel addtions are going to have much of an affect

Yeah… The 2 things I was looking forward to are total let downs.

I guess we’ll have to wait and see if they come in for a last minute win for us like finishing the Sea Harrier. Its only been 2 years.

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man hopfuly when we get the typhoon they might give it SPEAR 3 as it has an IR mode

Nah, 6x 540 lb bombs and that is it.

Honestly, if we get the Typhoon, if it has the correct radar, i will be impressed .

watch them not add AIM-132 as it has LOAL

0 Chance it gets ASRAAM.

bruh i thought someone was talking to themselves 🤦‍♂️

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I don’t understand any of the arranegments behind Japanese additions and tech tree lines.

Kongo should be followed by Amagi and classified as BC’s.

Then we shouldn’t have Nagato’s instead 2 Tosa’s followed by refitted Nagatos followed by Yamato’s.

They could restrict it to lock-before-launch. But considering we are nowhere near ASRAAM as we don’t even have PY-4 its not important.

I am curious if PY-4 will be modelled with target re-engage feature that allows it to loop back if it misses the first time.

well the typhoon is delayed to at minimum may or later in the year we may be in that era of ir missiles by then

Heavily doubt it to be honest but we will see.

I’m not sure I even want IIR missiles modelled, AFAIK also only things with smart-flares, pyrophoric flares or BOL (on account of being Pyrophoric) can actually flare these things. So what happens for vehicles which either have no BOL equivalent or don’t usually use BOL (F-15, F-18 etc plus any RedFor vehicle afaik).

did british eurofighters carry sidewinders

yes early ones did

Because, I suspect, chat gpt has been calling the shots for a while. Their given reason for Mutsus position is quite literally “thing look like other thing” (4 turrets and 4 turrets). Amagi is probably something similar with how she has more than 4 turrets, plus they’re too stubborn to even quietly just move the damn ships around.
I bet their minds are going to explode when they realize Yamato also has a different number of turrets than Nagato, Fuso/Ise, and Kaga/Amagi. And we can certainly expect North Carolina, South Dakota, and Iowa to all mysteriously follow Alaska because… thing look like other thing.

Or maybe it isn’t, maybe they truly are just incredibly lazy, incompetent, or spiteful.

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and ASRAAM/IRIS-T is specifically designed to be compatible with Aim-9 mounting. So they could probably be fitted even now, just needs a software update probably

Li’s on a DA airframe, but it entered service with ASRAAM.

Chances are it retains sidewinder software there’s no reason to delete it and on the basis of commonality its useful.

Just whether there is enough space on the floppy disk :P

All of the above?