Major Update "Firebirds" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Can i ask one serious question about developers plan about one game mechanic?

Currently APS shows sign, what something dangerous flight near to you.

But in real life, APS see dangerous object much farther than current in game.

And few modern Soft APS also see dangerous object.
Like German complex MUSS.
In game it is just LWS but in real life it can see and warn the crew about dangerous.

I think it will be very cool addition to the game. Especially if this mechanic would work, Britain can receive Challenger 2 Medusa wich has MUSS and can see and warn the crew about missiles.

By means of UV (ultraviolet) radiation sensors, MILTAS are able to detect the “torch” of a missile and warn of a missile attack in the same way as aviation systems do.


Not 1flare for small ones, maybe big ones, but in interception it is almost undodgable.

Look at this screenshot I took of the beautiful cloudy night sky in a custom battle!


Beatuful, and with the F-117 😍

Night battles for air modes including SIM confirmed?

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Woo babyyyy!


Where my fleet of Lancasters ? : (

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That would be cool!

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What. A. Beauy!

Being loaded with tallboys, to attack a lone queen in the North

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It looks disgusting…

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Then don’t try to eat it 🤷‍♂️


I and didn’t intend to


True wisdom

I’m might worried gaijin mod forgot implemented change targeting pod to Litening III from Tornago GR.4 instead LANTIRN AN/AAQ-14 & Litening II for JAS39 Gripen C from 3 countries and F-15I Ra’am before this major update to live server

Turkey has no ties to Italy in game other than heli and jet both of Italian origin. F-104S is Italian and T129 is also Italian (based on A129). Their vehicles got added to Italy only because of Italian influence in the development. F-4E Terminator 2020 has zero connections to Italy and was based off Israeli Kurnass 2000 upgrade.

0 ties to Germany? What are you even saying? F-4E AUP is a straight development of F-4F ICE upgrade built by the same German company that upgraded German F-4Fs. Unless US suddenly gets Greece as a subtree theres 0 reason for them to receive F-4E AUP.

Would be a nice Squadron for Israel or Italy as you say Italy got nothing towards it, but that doesn’t stop gaijin adding more Turkish vehicles to Italy.

Personally for real I could see Italy as a southern Europe dumping ground.


No. Mirage 2000-5Ei is operated by ROCAF and Taiwan is part of Chinese techtree in game.

Thx for leaving me some then