Major Update "Firebirds" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

yippee that should help and make the the PGMs a bit better and pretty much seals the deal on PGMs being the primary weapon of the Gr4


Screenshot 2024-11-07 at 15.44.20


Provided PGMs can actually reach their targets now without having to be in space.

even then the fact they actually have a range of 20kms means they are far safer then the brimstones and with IR and IOG they have only gotten better

Can they actually reach that range now tho? Always had them fall short prior.

were you using the PGM500 or 2000?

Both tended to fall short without significant altitude in my experience.

from an altitude of 2km and a speed of mach 1 I can normally hit targets 18kmish away

Maybe mine are just broken, I’d tend to need ~5km for any reliability in longer range shots.

I’ll just be interested to see if the IR versions let me fire past about 10km

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This too.

yeah, on the dev server I was able to get 20km shots in the Gr4 with just the FLIR so it should be fine on live

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Sorry if folks have already covered this but from reading this kinda seems to me the Flanker flight model will get a nerf -_-

Hope I’m wrong?

I wonder if the new main menu soundtrack is only meant for the anniversary celebration, or if it will become the new main menu OST.

I really hope so, it’s amazing!


Watch the Russians now asking for a Su-30 lol

Uuummm you bet your A$$ I want an Su-30SM :D


Hehe, Su-30MKI : P

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I don’t mind giving the Su-30MKK to China because Gaijin will probably never give China its own multirole aircraft


can’t wait for the UK to get one :P