Major Update "Firebirds" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Thanks! Monday/Tuesday or more likely the end of the week?

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I want my F-117


It has come to my attention that there’s an enormous inconsistency among Amagi and Mutsu’s turret/elevator module modelling;

Do you know if this is planned to be fixed on the next update? I think it’s a pretty big inconsistency which can easily be fixed, but I don’t recall this issue being solved on the Dev Server.


thats just the state of naval, every ship is diffrent and modelled to diffrerent standards

I don’t have any information on this unfortunately no. So unless there already is one, it would be best to ensure it’s reported.


Roger, thanks!

So what about the AGM65 of F15I? Now that F15E has obtained PW229, where is the AGM65 of F15I?

Never had it irl

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or rather, has yet to operate them

Nope, they never put them on their F-15 and never will

Then the Swedish JAS39C should not have it either.

Make a bug report then

Obviously, Gajjin has a double standard in this practice.

Well he just answered your claim.

Mavericks were cleared for gripen but not for F-15I

Again people also forget the SAAF gripen has never used AGM 65’s yet people only see sweden lmao. Regardless the gripens have the ability to carry them so gaijin added them. If you can prove that the F15I has the same rails as the F15E then they should be added. Its the same thing the German players were trying to argue for with the KWS, they want the 3 AGM mount but since they couldn’t prove it iirc they are stuck with one missile per rail.

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Not just rails, the wiring must be compatible too

That’s right. At present, many people will only reread the F-15I once and again. They did not buy AGM65 and forgot that the Swedish JAS39C was not purchased, but they can get the ability to have it in the game by obtaining approval.

Eh, gaijin kinda picks and chooses with some things, theoretical is a maybe if they add it, but if it did exist even if on a different platform they normally add it. Im for balance personally so that nations without CAS can have something until a proper platform arrives. Like japan F15 should carry some stuff and the KWS should get the tri mount imo but thats a pretty heated topic.

As much as I want to see Mavs on the F-15I, the only source I can find talking about it that it has them is this the f-15i in israeli service

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Carried AGM-65 unlike F-15I:









