Major Update "Firebirds" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

ICV (P) got its remote turret now modeld right.
Cant wait to play it.



F-20A couldnt carry AIM-120 and they werent even planned for prototype version we have in game. For AAM4 EJ Kai theres too little info about it to model it in game

Easier as in having RWR and CMs. Besides that its not an easy jet to fly and it cant bring CAS.

I have returned from my impromptu vacation, how goes it my fellows


dev server extended to 6 nov or something so patch will be 10 Nov I guess.

Where did your vacation take you?

Also it having a radar missile.

eh, I partly disagree

JA-37D to 13.0 with added AMRAAM

JA-37C upgraded to current D performance

gaps are now 10.3-11.0 and 11.3-13.0 in the Swedish fighter line

for this I propose the removal of RB74(M) and RB71 from JAS39A to move it to 12.3 and lessen the gap which even currently exists


Whats wrong with D where it is and Di gets AMRAAM at 13.0? (or did I miss something?)

Any logic other than balancing?
Why not add a JAS39A early and the current becomes folded under it as Late.



Loadout depended BR

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Then add the F-35 Draken at 11.3 to fill the lower gap. Either that, or add the JA37Di to the tech tree with RB99s at 13.0.

loadout dependant BR would as always be the best option

untick a Missile modification and youe BR goes down

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and maybe a JA37 (early) with only RB24J and a nice Unpainted camo

or just all of the above

F-35 Draken, JA37 Early, JA37 with AMRAAM and move JAS 39 down

There are plenty of good solutions, but in standard Gaijin fashion, the worst option seems to be what is chosen.

the snail follows the path of least action

The snail does what the snail does.

Definitely. And, atleast for starters, it wouldn’t have to be super complicated. Kinda like how air and ground Br’s are split a further split happens for guided/non guided A2G munitions but also for stuff like ARH missiles vs SARH/IR missiles. Perhaps too for IRCCM and regular IR missiles.

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So, taking a look through the DEV the

OSA is cool ( I would have preferred tracked rapier for the british though)
Su-34 and F-15E are cool.
Wobbly Goblin is cool.
and the new air test drive is great.

overall its about 3.6 out of 15000 roentgen.

Iowa and Yamato are superior to Bismarck by a wide wide margin.

The Bismarck class is very overblown in popular media, many people think it was some kind of super battleship just because it got lucky once in it’s engagement with HMS Hood. It is an inefficient design that is very large in size/displacement for comparatively little capability.

It is more comparable with North Carolina class IMO, I don’t know enough about Japanese navy to name a counterpart but it’s certainly not Yamato :)


Snail land, i had to fight Gaijilla.




There are other options.

Ersatz Mackensen and Ersatz Yorck which are equivalent to Hood but with worse armour (Yorck has same calibre guns as Bayern and the same reload).

The other option is Gneisenau… Oh no… Scharnhorst-class. Well maybe not, because Gneisenau lacked power-assisted ramming for much of the autoloader on the 38cm. Navyweps predicts a 70 second reload for her… So let Germany have Gneisenau but you get to shoot 1 salvo per minute.