Major Update "Firebirds" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Hey… speaking of MIG29, is there any option for Germany? Any tested Mig29 by that Tester squad? I mean, both F20 and Mig29 are 12.7. So it could be fit the SARH premium slot =D

Or any other SARH slinger… how is our cards?

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Well there the F-15 & F/A-18s both tested, Then there the ordered Su-27’s.

Should rename the China to the United Nations since there’s going to be a copy of everything from all the other nations.

Wouldn’t be too surprised if we see an F-22A for China at some point to be honest


Thank you. Aren’t these too high BR for Gaijin standards?

Not sure but for me I would like to see them though

I mean, if they added T80 and Mi28 for Sweden… (but we all know devs confessed Sweden is their favorite nation)


Well I mean asking for foreign mod of tech =/= asking for it to be a sub though

Praying for Japan to get ASEAN I need that F15SG

I mean, Israel is a good option for the close technical connection. Though I wouldn’t say I don’t want it in Japan. Then there’s also still that option of an ASEAN tree if Gaijin want to do that instead.

I’d take all of these over Singapore going to China


Yea true I forgot about Israel

But yea you see the problem though ?

You complain about one small group of people with a broad term so people are bound to think they are in the crossfire. Even if they just said it once. It’s like using the biggest brush possible you can find just to do the skirting board

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@gromvoiny We got any more preorders coming for this patch or is the obj 140 the only one?

Oh! OH! OH! I’m in! :D


ASRAAM and Meteor tornado F3 when

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So how many premium vehicles we will have in this update?

Cn tech tree needs major reorganisation both for air and ground .

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Highly unlikely without something like electronic warfare to counter it, otherwise it just wouldn’t be fun gameplay and gameplay > realism.

My understanding (and it could be wrong) is that the notch gate on the sparrows is a speed gate and so anything not having a high enough closure rate is just ignored, regardless of being painted. Anecdotally this seems to be the case as I’ve had sparrows even on a strong radar like the APG-63 just not track on cold targets at close range, because we were going at similar speeds.

In addition, if that was even a concern, there is also the prototype J/APG-1 fitted on the XF-2A that only had some modules turned on, so it’d be weaker and it could have been used as a justification.

Ultimately it’s a game and again gameplay takes priority over realism. Just like how AAM-4 (and other ARH) have unrealistically low performance seeker heads and in some cases just raw kinematic performance. AAM-4 shouldn’t be comparable to an AIM-120A, it should be comparable to an AIM-120C-5, for example, yet it was nerfed for gameplay balance.


India has been on the Brit tree for actual years man and I’d rather when a nation gets put as a subtree all their vehicles go to that same tree so people that want to play that nation can do so without having to grind 4 different nations and never being able to use their vehicles together even in a custom.

Instead of Germanys’ situation - getting Canadian Leo 1 event and Leo 2 prem but then the all the Canadian TT vehicles aren’t in the German tech tree, feels like it wasn’t thought out very well especially when they could’ve received things like the Swiss Panzer 68 and Leo 2 Revolution in their place respectively.

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Idk about that one you seen the Leo 2 depression changes? It’s not realistic because there’s an override for it IRL that their not implementing and it directly hurts gameplay.

Has anyone made a bug report about that? Turning off the stab ingame should allow you to depress, but I doubt anything would change without a bug report.