Major Update "Firebirds" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Whilst I am incredibly excited to see the F-15I Ra’am coming, it is unfortunate that it does not seem to have any of the domestic kit which makes it unique. I mean just look at all this missing :

Also, and somewhat more trivial, what’s with the paint job?

It seems to depict Ra’am in the colours of 133rd Squadron, but from what i can tell they only operated Baz?. Just about every image on the internet of Ra’am depicts it in the much more iconic desert colours of 69th Squadron?

69th Paintjob still WIP or something?


By the way, the Israeli F-15I will get the F100-229 engines (stated by BVVD himself on the russian devstream)

they said theay wont give it better engine, the reason is beacuse they want it worst than the f15C in air superiority

“full stealth” is literally impossible. You cannot make a plane invisible from every angle, from every radar, and at any range.

The only thing that comes close to full stealth is when the air is so full of SEAD/DEAD no one wants to turn their radar on to begin with


They are the same as far as I remember, only the engines should be different (Not significant)

No aircraft is 100% stealth. Just because its RCS (Radar Cross-Section) is 0.001 m2 (or 0.0108 sq ft for those too lazy to convert) doesn’t mean it is invisible, it just mean it is incredibly unlikely to be seen by radar.

Yes thats what I mean, it should be more unlikely, bad wording on my part

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over there is a really fast bee-bird type shi

i hope so. just like the m2kd-r1 added to dev server after updating

and one day, we will have the Mach 2 bumblebee… in the year 2077
anyway, F-15E and SU-34 in the game already is a surprise

As an aside I am highly doubting that we’re going to have fully modeled RCS (unless I missed it in the dev stream). I imagine it’ll at best be 4-8 sectors of varying detectability, and at worst simply having a reduced range at all angles

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In the current WT, RCS is determined solely by the size of the aircraft, and does not change depending on the angle, etc.

reduced detection wont even really matter that much if f117 cant kill the enemy plane, at best it becomes a stand still

Tornado F.3 Late and F-4F ICE players be like


From what I understand too even sometimes stealth aircraft can be detected on RADAR but RADAR systems may struggle or be unable to lock or maintain lock.

Edit: Then this paired with EW, stealth aircraft are going to be a nightmare later on.

The ICE should have Bs but only gets As ingame (not that it makes a difference)

Seems like they just copied the skin from the F-15A BAZ and the CFTs from the F-15E for now

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Its F117 time




“Oh nO, YoU dOnT gEt YoUr MmV MisSiLe”

This is how you sound, none of us are asking for mmv, nor are we asking for self guidance or prefire. What were asking for is simple fnf like on a spike. If you bring this up you just trying to stir the pot and sound like an idiot.