Turn off TSAA. You can also just turn on sharpness in Nvidia control panel.
Anything regarding dev server you’ll be better off posting in Dev Server Firebirds - War Thunder — official forum
Turn off TSAA. You can also just turn on sharpness in Nvidia control panel.
Anything regarding dev server you’ll be better off posting in Dev Server Firebirds - War Thunder — official forum
Thank you, will try it when i am home. Didnt even notive this was rumor round-up not the other section my bad!
Yes, but also worse engine (as far as I know) and FY-2 ERA instead of FY-4 on the front plate.
Imo the Oplot-T might be better than the VT-4, although I think that’ll depend on if it has the targeting speed of the BVM or of a standard T-80U
Even still id take the different playstyle option, and at least that things armor is somewhat modeled correct ( my poor Type 10)
The countries in the suggestion would be a pretty great set of countries since these are mostly using western equipment (unlike Myanmar or Vietnam for example would), they have a nice theme to group them all together, being the founding ASEAN members, and they together bring up future potential additions to a level akin to larger “minor” nations like Britain and France with their own subtrees.
This would also still leave the notably Chinese aligned nations such as Myanmar, Laos and Cambodia to be added to China and (if Gaijin plays their cards right) can be done with very minimal C&P.
I’d still argue a subtree rework would be in order for so many nations in a tree, but that really is nothing new and has been the case for current subtrees already
When you play with Type-90’s so much that armor on Type-10 becomes irrevelant.
I just act like i dont have any armor when im playing with my Type-10’s so if i manage to bounce something it will be bonus for me, plus reload and mobility compensates that armor weakness pretty well.
Can anyone check if Romanian voicelines are added to OSA or not? Still have to wait 1 and half hour to download.
Very true its very sad the 90 has better armor, afaik a lot of people have tried to get the Type 10s armor fixed but to no avail
Likely propaganda maybe not but I do remember it being said that the Type 10 cant even penetrate its own armor
Oh, whoa. There goes my hype for it, hahahah.
It would be closer to an MBT-2000 than VT-4, then.
I didnt know that,can you expand?
For me biggest downsides are Turret Traverse rate and Gun Elevation speed, i just refused to believe that those values are true.
Only in game this is true afaik
And I agree as modern as the Type 10 is its hard to believe
For me my first tanks are my Type 90s, they just feel better at everything (faster, slightly more survivable, bigger first stage). The type 10s only have the better round and significantly better optics (which only matters on some far range maps which we don’t have much of in-game).
FY-2 is still a strong ERA and should provide more then enough protection
I believe if Gaijin buffs those values Type-10’s will become much better than before, just imagine you can take 180 flick shots left and right :)
I believe armor will be fixed at some day, at least i hope.
I would so much rather Gaijin slow down their releases and make them playable Day 1
Meh, I think it barely provides 500mm KE in War Thunder for the glacis. At Top Tier, which is where I would use it, it’s certainly not enough for me to consider replacing a Type 90, specially not if even its mobility is also worse.
I hope so.
It irks me the plates on the turret sides only offer 10mm, though they could be storage
Still more then NATO ERA :p
I also think 90’s are faster but compare to other top tiers Type-10’s are quite fast, as for the survivability both tank family threated me well enough so i cant say anything about that but yea having smaller rack certainly makes you more crippled.
Optics on Type-90’s are killing me, they are terrible for CQC :)