Major Update "Firebirds" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

It literally cannot be useful in air battles, no matter what. It lacks the armament to have an impact in air battles.

Who can tell me how to deal KH38 on the Ground??


ehhhh thing is, harrier Gr7 will be the same BR with 4 guaranteed kills with AGM65Gs, and has 4 AIM9Ms or the gripen with 4 AGM65Gs and 2 9Ms with a HMD on a far better airframe

press G (smoke button)

If your not looking towards to air spawn when in an spaa your not playing spaa correctly. Plus you still have the exploit of spamming T61 to figure out if any aircraft are in the skies. Dont go trying to make out as if its going to be broken at 10.0 ground. It can be moved up, i dont really care as ill be playing it in sim and rb mostly but i wont care facing it at 10.0 at all. Especially considering the Ayit is at 9.3 with 6 mavericks and 2 gbus.

True true and trust me I am BEYOND thrilled at that alone. There’s a lot they COULD give Italy that would just be a copy paste of already existing vehicles. Italy and the Hungarian sub tree are eligible for the Gepard, Strella and Gepard 1A2 which would take no effort to add. The Iveco M40 would be a unique vehicle if they wanted to do that as well.

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That’s not the issue though

It’s the fact that it should be equally stealthy in all directions, not like it was in dev stream where the thing is insanely stealthy in a narrow angle from the front and not at all everywhere else

Smoke doesn’t really help against the laser variant

AIM-120 can

my double standard alarm is going off

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Dont worry, the Su-34 can carry more of these and launch them better due to being supersonic

Me who knows exactly what it is and how cracked it’d be:

Jokes aside yeah IK it’d be broken and as a result in no way expect it, they’d have to implement fair balancing in the form of anti-radiation for CAS and much more and because of that I don’t see it happening and also don’t trust Gaijin to do it right.

AIM 120 On the Ground?

The F-117 should ONLY be detected when its bomb bays are open from ground based SAM’s (Unless they’re using IRST)

fr though does anyone have an idea about the dev server? like, did i miss something about it just not coming today?


or it doesnt really help when you dont even know if anything is coming at you and from where. you just die out of no where. maybe hear the missile when its 500m away from you. then you press smoke and then die in ur own smoke

Now forgive me for my lack of knowledge here, but how exactly does the NightHawk self designate?

It has a built in laser designator, doesn’t it?

How to give Britain a Good AA for Top Tier

So When Pantsir-S1 for Britain via Saudi Arabia ? XD
We got the Lightning F.53 already so no Problem with the S1 then.

