the shturm is much worse than both the stugna and the ZT3A2 though? or do you mean the ataka.
the A2 isnt even that bad btw :
thats a curse??? sounds like haven to me
She was laid down as one of 3 extra Mackensen class BC’s that were ordered, then the design then was modified due to advancements in gun calibre by the Renown class up to 15" it was decided to up-gun the 3 follow-on orders to use 4 repeat turrets (more or less) from the Bayern class and modifications began.
More or less they are repeat Mackensens with the turrets swapped out (they also lose a little bit of deck armour).
I don’t know the Stugna’s performance characteristics, but compared to the ZT3A2, the Shturm will fly much faster, although it will have worse penetration. But in theory, you can take 6 Sturms + 4 ZT3 and get 10 missiles for all occasions.
no, Shturm. With Ataka it will become ± analogue of Mi35M and Gaijin will send it to 10.7, but I would like a 10.3 helicopter
it is slower than the assault, although it penetrates very well
Doesn’t the Super Hind remove the radio antenna needed to guide the Shturm?
Ray tracing is usable, see here
needs a lot more work and optimization however
Cool, I did not know that
should change it to the MT then it would be more accurate lol
at least put a MT, ML is useless for SU-34
speaking of this, Harrier gr9 also uses Brimstone? what others can it use
They have a decent selection of guided bombs such as Paveway II and III, JDAM and possibly Lizard for their latest F-5TH. When it comes to missiles they have AGM-65 maverick variants, namely the AGM-65G.
However they only started using this armament very late. For example with their A-7 they didn’t use any guided air to ground armament at all.
They also don’t have anything to match the CAS Gaijin is adding this update, even less what Gaijin could add in the future.
they should remove the MT and leave the ML, since its to op for worse missiles to be FnF, while we are at it could remove the mavs and leave the Es for the F15E that way everyone is suffering
I prefer add everyone Pantsir equal SPAA, if ARH better
super op CAS started since F-16C, and it’s reasonable and realistic that every TT will and shuold gets similar planes.
Thats the issue most of these western nations DON’T have an equal since they mostly transition to multi vehicle SAM systems. There might be a nation or so with something else but still wouldn’t necessarily be equivalent correct me if im wrong though.
the 2 I can think are, Spyder for Israel and Sky Sabre for the UK
the US also have the SL-AMRAAM but not sure if that would be any good
still can be added with some way, like you control uav, switch between 2 vehicles.
Yeah, “pets” mechanic is needed)
I was hoping for something like that. Though this also gives way to even better SAMs to those nations like Russia so the issue isnt really resolved but provides more options i guess. Though i doubt gaijin will be doing that soon.
Or, better yet, have universal support vehicles in the spawns that can be used by everyone within a certain range of them, so that the player doesn’t have to juggle multiple vehicles at once.