Time for a short nap and hope for a teaser when wake up.
Every 12.0, except for the Challengers, have mobility. Except many of them, apart from having mobility, also have twice as much armor and are coated in spall liners.
610, 623 or 629 mm of pen don’t make a difference when all of your opponents have 670, 720 and 750mm KE worth of armor; all while you are protected by a whopping 355mm KE armor that can be penetrated by shells found at 9.7 already.
Mobility and dart are pretty much average for top tier. Above 580mm pen the difference between darts is not really significant.
The English like to use light tanks at home to protect the roads, don’t they?
Is it? I dont remember but I thought at least original CVRTs had a fair bit lower turret traverse?
Penetration wise the differences between the best darts at top tier are miniscule yes and that doesn’t matter.
Ever wonder why a lot of Ariete players consider the stock dart to be better than the upgraded DM53? Because it spalls better. M829A2 is arguably the best dart at top tier because on top of having DM53 level armor penetration you have the BEST spalling in the tier.
Gaijin, give me a late scimitar with thermals and laser range finder this update and my life is yours.
Or just a Saladin, and i may kiss you.
The big Q will be where the Scimitar sits on the BR block, given its not going to be as extreme as the fox, the pending RARDEN/30mm APDS nerf(?) etc.
7.0? xD
What does any of this have to do with the next update, just so you can argue about the abrams, as if that is going to change any of the facts about what is wrong about it and needs to be changed anyway
I wasn’t the one who started the conversation, so how about you go after them and not me-
The conversation of top tier U.S. and their spawn points issue was well before me.
Nah, youll have people saying it should be 8.3 because its “armoured” now… I say 7.0-7.3 would be fine.
they’re going to likely drop it at 7.3 and then we will see where it goes from there. At a glance so far though it’s worse than the Fox sadly
True, althoug does anyone know what the sights on it will be like? Because a good sight will do wonders for it i think but it seems unlikely to be different to the usual british 8x lol
tbh the scorpion 90 would’ve been a better add for Britain rn
I think not so bad, it’s not so fast but still fast enough, 190/7.8 = 24.4 hp/ton, and tracked vehicle is more mobilable in close fight.
all true, but mobility becomes less useful if your gun cant fire on the move
Nah, just a slightly later model with the LRF would have been stellar. Much easier to plink at range that way
Judging by the video from the devblog it has very fast turret traverse
Its probably filmed in arcade but it still looks very fast
Saladin with the 2pdr would have done wonders for our 6.7 line up, or the saladin with the 76mm.
Theres a bug report out right now which would quite significantly buff the RARDENs 30mm pen at range, presumably also making the shells velocity be maintained better at range
Of course that isnt as good as a LRF but it would make shots at range a lot easier