Major Update "Firebirds" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Oh for sure, but still lrf are fun

Not really a buff if u consider itll make the point blank pen something like 100-110mm. And thats the generous estimate as gaijin will probably make it around 94mm… So itll pen less up close but have better long range characteristics.

so long as the frankly ludicrous post pen damage remains, I do not care.

rarden nerf incoming, now gaijin can add more using rarden’s vehicle


Meh, the aphe does more than enough for me. However, when did the apds become so good at damage, i remember when it barely did anything and all of a sudden i would rather use the cannon than the milan on the warrior.

You don’t even have an Abrams with M829A2 on this account, so I’m sure you wouldn’t mind giving me a source for that last claim?

I have used DM53, M829A2, 3BM60, DTC10-125, M322 (which is the same as m/95 and CL3143) and M338. I can say pretty confidently that I never really felt a big difference in spalling between any of them except M322 and M338.

The discussion originated from someone proposing the F-15E as the result of the leak riddle, which I then said wouldn’t help top tier US ground winrates at all, depending on the version they add.

German mains (myself included) crying in the corner since that’s when Germany swaps to light/lighter armoured stuff

Same happened for the Chinese SPAA truck I think that’s 6.7, its gun demolishes in an uptier

Nelson is too cracked for now I think. The armour is actually incredibly strong even with a 35 second reload across 9 guns.

And though the British 16" is famed for being a poor 16", its still got better ballistic performance than the current 15" which is the second strongest gun at top tier.


In my experience with all MBTs from all nations except China and Italy, it’s very simple; whoever is penetrated first, loses.

That’s why armor plays such an enormous role.

While an unarmored tank needs to take careful aim for a small weakspot on an extremely well protected tank, the extremely well protected tank can just fire in the unarmored tank’s general direction and it’s dead,; all while having the same firepower and mobility.

Only impact in crew survivability comes from spall liners, and guess what- it’s precisely the best protected tanks that have them too, making it even harder to kill them while they blow you up by sneezing on your general direction.


teaser soon ™?

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All good everyone’s having a gentleman discussion lol

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not this week

Next week

Next week I think.

I still have hope it might come out today, who knows

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However, there is not enough time left
The anniversary will start on November 1
If it is postponed next week, it is clear that Gaijin will be very cramped
It takes 5 days for the test server to be turned on
After shutting down the server, it takes a week for Gaijin to deal with various issues
Next week is October 25th, and it’s clear that it’s too crowded


Scimitar… Should be new top tier BB… Tornado Gr4 leak looking more and more credible… Could this be…

A British focused update?

TLDR - I started playing war thunder on PC. I then started playing it on PS4 when it came out on console, but lost my PC account. I then got on Xbox and made a new account there.

This account currently is my Xbox account turned PC account, my PS4 (now PS5) account I still have and play on from time to time while I finish the trees I had on there in this account. So I have 2 accounts because when I was new to this game I didn’t know about account transfer.

and if you’re wondering why I chose to transfer my Xbox account over my PS5 account, it is PURELY due to the XM-1

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Production is open alongside dev. It only goes down for a few hours for the update process.

Also whatever gets released this update isn’t going to be discounted anyway

I still think we will get the teaser today