Oplot-T will be a good 11.3 firing 3BM42 equivalent ammunition unless there’s some other ammo Gaijin digs up that Thailand’s using.
They could just pull a M26E1 and give it a shell called “APFSDS shot” lol
I’m not sure if Ukraine has domestic APFSDS production (pretty sure they do?), but even if not, 3BM42 and Kombat GL-ATGMs would do well.
They do but to my knowledge its no new shells because they really didn’t need anything better than Mango
I do agree on you about japan need a true Top SPAA.
So except MBT2000, there is nothing that can replace leo2A4, considering it’s mobility and turret speed, and also the reload time, and there is no other nation have such kind of things.
I really hope A7E and A4SU could be added in China, to support 9.x- 10.x, also some helis, consider the forum Overreaction to TY-90, we do need some other helis as well.
I’d like to briefly return to BeNeLux tanks. Any thoughts on if/when those will be added and how? There’s a LOT to add, much of it unique (not like those will be added first/at all).
Dutch Leopards have been around the corner for 3 updates now
2A4 fires inferior ammo to MBT-2000.
There’s zero reason to use the 2A4 with at-best same armor, and worse ammunition than the far more versitile MBT-2000, Type-96A, and Type-99.
A-4SU is inferior to the Q-5s. The only reason I’d use A-4SU is cause it’s my favorite A-4, I’d choose inferiority because of that.
So I’ve heard. Maybe they’d come after the AMX-40? France already has 5 lines, so they’ll have to just be sprinkled in among the French tanks. Having browsed the suggestion post many times, there are a lot of interesting Dutch and Belgian tanks I’d like.
Except for VT4 and MBT2000 which already have, there is nothing that could be added in top-tier, unless you said T80UD or T84 could be considered, Pakistan already test T84, which can be considered as other Sweden T 80U cases, but consider they has a lots of US products, there is nothing different, and also Chinese forums seems now welcome to the leo2 added, and they are decide to discuss that in the forum soon
The M1A2T would be fine at top tier.
It looks cool to me
Leo2 has 6s reload time and -10 degrees gun depression, that’s enough, type 96 and 99 are too slow with -5 reversing speed, and also their gun and turret speed is pretty bad.
Till now China doesn’t have their own FF missiles, A4SU has AGM65, which is much better than 2 gbu, that’s why I prefer choose that.
Believe me more Chinese want to see ZTZ-99A stuff buffed instead of another foreign MBT which is copy-pasted…
I wonder what kind of ammunition it will have, like KEW or M829A4? I found that Taiwan already purchased both of them.
I heard that M1A2T will delivered to Taiwan this December, we will know it that time.
16km range GBUs are more powerful than 3km range AGM-65s, 10km if IR.
Also ZTZ-99A is already among the best MBTs in the game.
The exclusive downsides are its reload and BVM-like armor.
Nope, Most Chinese have already given up on that, ZTZ99A already become a joke in the Chinese forum, and there is no hope, nothing can be buffed, with more documents released, there may be something can be nerffed in the future, like the reversing speed and gun speed.
Perhaps both. It’d be a fantastic addition to China and a great way to cap the Taiwan MBT line.