Major Update "Firebirds" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

The plane itself isn’t, and with an agm65 equivalent wouldn’t even be good.
The 38mt makes it unbeatable.

Ah yeah, Phimat for the F3 is a hard requirement at this point, especially with BOL in their current state

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You just know their not, it would be too cool if they did. its going to go straight just like a hellfire.

You mean like a certain su-25…?

I knew we were never getting that kind of FnF, but I was hoping for at the bare minimum, AGM-65 type FnF.

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Dont forget premium Object 140 for SU

It’s not simply comparing SM3 with mmW brimestone my dear.

All these starts when Smin said getting kills out of SPAA’s defend range is “imbalance” while su25sm3 can do that already.

If mmW brimestone is Tier 1 imbalance, then SM3 now is kind of Tier 2. (I mean, taking only Air-Ground into consideration)

They would probably say it’s acceptable if Gaijin replaces SM3 with Su34M (the one with thermal), with only kh29 or something similar with a IR seeker.

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Even a psuedo optical guidance acting as “Active”

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Nerf brimston " UNBALANCE "




Were going to be getting one kill per run (if that) while russian alternatives will have gotten 6 kills by the time they get back to the runway… with how long games are i doubt well even need all 9 due to how long each set up is going to be.

Tbh, that sounds too good to be true. I’ve spent half my missiles just jousting hellfires, and that’s on an Apache with 8x of them.

With three CAS at the same time? They must not have been paying attention. I’d go for the Pantsir every time.

We must be flying the exact opposite Frogfoots, I can’t go anywhere fast enough, and I don’t think I’ve seen a plane yet that couldn’t out turn me if piloted correctly. It’s also the first Frogfoot with Western levels of CM’s.

If you know what you’re doing, staying about 12km out, maybe a hair more, at elevation, in an orbit around a Pantsir, you can drop a LGB on them, EASY. Unless it’s played by someone like me, they’ll never detect the bomb, and you’ll get them. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, the two deadliest planes on the opposite side are the F-15 and Gripen because they both have their own way of doing this essentially.

Still think brimstone is unbalanced

Flying high in a Tornado at top tier is death

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They say there are no anti-aircraft guns on par with the CAS. Seriously, gaijin, did you recently realize that the anti-aircraft guns double the range of the CAS?

They never put top tier anti-aircraft guns, the joke tells itself

This should work, right?

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          🕯   the teaser   🕯
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You add that smoke can be used as a temporary nerf and that’s it.

“Almost like a FOX-3 for ground with no IFF” The current A/A FOX-3’s don’t have IFF, the missiles will happily go for friendlies even with a proper enemy lock. “The Tornado never has to be in harms way and can fire them off without real consequences” so just like the SU-25SM3? The russians have had that luxury ever since the KH-38’s were added.


I mean that using Tornado in the “destroy ground vehicles one by one in ASB” option will be too dangerous and it will be easier to play on GR.1 by destroying bases with PGM-2000. Firing a large number of missiles in a fire-and-forget mode would be a qualitative improvement over other aircraft, given the potential BR of the GR.4 and the mediocre performance characteristics of the vehicle.


This is very true. Gaijin doesn’t know how to handle top tier SPAA AND CAS. In fact, what the hell is the point of glide bombs, skipjacks, PGM’s, and Kh-38T’s if not to out range SPAA’s?

The only thing 3/4’s of the nations have left in this game that can outrange 40+km is an actual Patriot battery, lmao.

Your an egg arent you? are you saying they would be inbalanced if implemented like a maverick or with the mmv seaker? 9 mavericks wouldnt be considered broken, just exceedingly good and therefore at 12.7. Now whats the difference between that and a brimstones? especially when you realise it has a hellfire warhead meaning itll most likely need more than one hit to actually kill…