Major Update "Firebirds" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Our glorious teaser awaits the views, comrades … few more minutes … ooorah !!!


the game handles 100 + ARH somewhat fine. Guess for ground it should work as well

If this thing doesnt get the PGMs it will unironically be worse than the GR1A

only a few more minutes! plus a few more minutes! for awhile!

and how does that help your case?? As far as i can see it has GBUs and thats it. All the other stuff isnt in game yet / will come to american platforms first/with

AGM-114K’s seeker, I guess Brimstone should not be worse than this. IOG should allow you fire it longer than 12km, up to 20 if it can reach that range. when it enter 12km, it’s seeker will find the laser and go to it whild you still at 15km away.

 "laserSeeker": {
        "range": 10000.0,
        "rangeMax": 12000.0,
        "fov": 30.0,
        "lockAngleMax": 45.0,

Are LJDAM and JDAM some kind of joke to you?

About the same as Hellfire. Rocket engine seems to produce slightly less thrust (~5700N) but for 3.5s instead of 3s. Brimstone is also slightly larger and heavier, so yeah great, same topspeed as well. The only thing that makes it be able to go somewhat fast is your own launch speed and high altitude. Don’t expect Kh-38 levels of speed.

In other words, pretty slow. Nothing suprising at least.

yes, literally yes

Your point was “when Germany makes something good”. Which is wrong.

Got you, funny little man.

Kind of, I mean there is a reason why I have my W key bound to something in game.

the Tornado isnt gonna fix your CAS problems, i am sorry

Yeah, that will be how I use them, find a target as far out as I can. Fire them at 20km, keeping the target painted, when they lock on, turn off laser and let IOG work whilst I defend against the incoming Pantsir missiles. All the while spamming flares and chaff


@Smin1080p_WT sorry for ping.
Will GR4 receive Litening III or just Litening II ?


I don’t even play German air, I just corrected you. Idk why you are so salty.

But still, mmW and Anti-Radiation not included :(.

welp I hope the naval addition isnt terrible, because so far the tornado is a let down, at least if it didnt have the brimstones it might have been a lower BR but this is honestly the worst of both worlds

Does it get Paveway 4?