Major Update "Firebirds" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Everyone knows why dawg.

The problem people have is they could’ve just made them TV guided the way they did Martels.

Thus preserving the identity of the missile without breaking the game.

It should have a database of targets, but it should also be able to pick them on the move.

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Given the way the computer drives, you just need to find a stretch of road where they are all kind of in a line, start front to back, and stagger them in about 4 second waves, if you can stay stable enough, you can even stay locked on the first target and move the gimbal for the laser to a new target. Much easier than you realize. I used to do it in helicopter sim until they made multiple Vikhr launches more realistic.

@Smin1080p_WT Can we expect somthing else today ?


Its possible to do, but no where near as simple, also leaves you exposed for a while (im dreading facing Mig-29s all the time in it, but should be no higher than 12.0) and you will have to be very mindful of the SPAA. I’ve also had terrible time with getting locks past about 12km

Like at the end of the day. The best decision wouldve been to just model them as dual mode IR/TV missiles with a SAL override. This keeps their integrity. While not breaking the game.

Instead… theyre useless… no reason to play with them over mavericks on the GR7 or KH38s on the SM3

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Does this not mean though that the Brimstones will operate like a Hellfire and require constant laser guidance making firing more than 1 pointless. and putting the Tornado at a higher risk than a F-16 with an AGM-65 or a Su-25 with a KH?


Literally yes

I wanna know how long it takes to guide to a target 18km out.

2 minutes? More?

Really not true. Especially if you get uptiered. ItO-90 and the later Rolands are quite capable.

difference is the pilot is not manually locking the targets, hes just pulling the trigger

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Only saving grace is LOAL and IOG. Lock onto a Pantsir, fire off 6 and so long as they dont move, all should hit

About as long as the R-77 ;) /s

as30Ls are the exact same gameplay loop and they do fine and you only get 2 brimstones will do fine


Wow Gaijin sure know how to kill any hype with British weapon systems.
Can carry 16 but you have to be high (Pantsir food)
and can fire and designate 1 at a time…brilliant.

16 of what?

Happy for you !

Hope thas mean AASM for us :p

AS30Ls do more damage and are on far more agile platforms than a tornado.

Nice try though

At some point adding more attackers becomes useless due to crew space. Assuming you have 1 slot reserved for a fighter you can only spawn 1-2 attackers at best.

Gaijin is just throwing cas aircraft at a problem, hoping/praying that the 8474884th one will finally fix it. Even though it won’t do much to help the winrate problem.

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I have, and I’m aware of its full capabilities.

If it would have been implemented at full capability I would agree.

One of its modes.
And this is where the problem lies, instead of giving it a “dumbed down” FnF mode it flat out gets 2 of its 3 modes taken away, leaving only the laser and no FnF capability which happens to be a major part of what makes a Brimstone, a Brimstone.
Like I said in my original post, Gaijin has in the past nerfed various weapon’s capabilities while still generally keeping the “spirit” of the weapon.
In all honesty trying to spin the Brimstone missing any semblance of 2 out of its 3 available modes as “It’s not being nerfed” is disingenuous at best.