Major Update "Firebirds" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

This is far from the truth unfortunately


Thats something

The UK Tornado will be called Paveway 4, which is basically a LJDAM with a different name. Why can’t I see the new German Tornado with LJDAM?

Gaijin made 2 mistakes with their explanation

  1. They didnt give it an alternate FnF mode like TV/IR which is already in the game and is “balanced”

  2. They specifically said that SPAA being unable to fight back was a deciding factor… SPAA CANT FIGHT THE KH38


If you’re not up-tiered. If you are, you have a short window to actually find SPAA and target with a Kh-29TD, you only get two in the Su-25T/39, and you have no useful targeting pod, so you have to find it manually.

Let’s not pretend USSR CAS is easy mode like the US now. (and yes, Pantsir is very good, and balances this difference).

Also any fire and forget weapons have this risk of changing targets after they have been fired

The SM3 is brainless

no, you shouldn’t turn the laser off. the iog has a drift parameter which will make it miss.
you should keep the laser on the target, but it should be easy with a all-aspect pod.
iog here is just something let you fire it out the seeker’s range



Just wait until the Su-34 with 6x Kh-38’s is added 🫠

We’re all insert profanity here


been screamed at by germany mains since the devblog, am sorry if I sound a bit mad. I know the german Tornado has other weaponry other than simple GBUs but those are either anti-radiation or just sth else that probably wont come this patch.

Its just that germany doesnt have many options for proper good top tier CAS outside of the Typhoon. And we will have to wait a couple more patches for that.

Hoping they wont have any drift in compensation for no mmV

Around the same as hellfires? And launched from 12+ km away? That would take the entire match to arrive. Oh hell no, that’s even worse lmaoo. Calling it, brimstones are DOA

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Russian cas is easy mode…because you dont face the Pantsir


It already takes what 50 seconds for hellfires to travel 8km on a heli

How long you think itll take a brimstone to travel 20?

Maybe gaijin should add more spaa instead of adding more cas. I don’t understand why people are asking for modern cas systems when they know stuff like this will happen.

It will never be balanced or enjoyable.

I think it won’t have any compensation in drift.
anyway, it won’t hurt with laser on, why turn it off

USSR CAS is easy mode, two 25sm3’s is enough to do DEAD to any team, pantsir or not