Major Update "Firebirds" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

So if I wanted to play the Typhoon then what ?

Tell me you know nothing about French tank development without telling me you know nothing about French tank development.

Well… its not like they dont already cough cough Russian MBTs

When did we get Arena APS? Lmao

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Well im more so reffering to the Russian magic armor and survivability

The difference is that the Typhoon was developed by four nations, however the Leopard 2A5 and 6 were done so by only one.

Cool. I also basically play nothing else than SIM since the start of this year. ARB just ain´t it anymore. I actually came here right after finishing tonight´s F-15C/F-16C SB EC with a W.

You guys have APS ?

Sad galix smoke launcher noises

Every modern French vehicle use Galix launcher, that have “chaff” inclued for atgm/laser protection.

We saddly don’t use hard APS so i really hope they gonna work on GALIX soon.


Sad SEP V2 noises

4.5* :p

Relikt is really good ERA, the best majorly manufactured ERA in the world right now.

Hell, Kontak-1 is doing overtime on Abrams and Leo’s right now in that conflict we can’t talk about right now.

France dropped out, so it doesn’t count.

Hey now not throwing FY5 in that mix is disrespectful :p

True but all if this “Because it’s made by X nations therefore it goes in X nation” is kinda flawed.

I mean where are the nations that aren’t in game yet meant to go. By that logic we should remove the Argentina stuff since Germany never used it ?

Hence the 0.5

Meanwhile AZUR kit should be NERA, not ERA, and it should be able to be put on every Leclercs except the S1, but you know Gaijin… x)


And TUSK and the Brit ERA should also be better

I’m not seeing this “chaff” in the GALIX ammunition listed by Lacroix Defense
laser defense is just the normal stuff you get when you use multispectral smoke

I don’t want to ruin the uniqueness of nation that are ingame for the pleasure of nation that are not ingame.

They are not ingame ? Then sorry but too bad for them.

For the TAMs, German codeveloped the first one, and all are based on the Marder chassis. For the SK-105A2, I agree that that shouldn’t have gone to Germany.

Technically it was 3 because the Netherlands and Switzerland were involved in the KWS 2 :p